DEV Community

Seimei Matsusaki
Seimei Matsusaki

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Learning Finnish software engineering vocabulary

Before I wrote this article, I was wondering if it would be OK to post this to But since this is not a 100% off topic, I decided to post.

Do you study another language besides English?
In my case, Yes.

I have been learning Finnish since 4 years ago. In case you don't know what it is, it is an official language in Finland, and also known as one of the hardest languages for English speakers. You might get a question like, "Hmm, did you live in Finland before?" or "Do you have friends there?" The answer is no. It is a long story why I started learning the language, so I don't write detail here. But in short, I was a big fan of Heavy metal from the country, and that's the beginning.

Anyway, as I was gradually able to read real Finnish (i.e., not Easy-Finnish) articles, I began to want to learn software related vocabulary in Finnish. However, as I expected, I was not able to find a good list to start. I found some lists but there were for more general words. So, I googled or looked up in a dictionary, and jot down one by one. Here is part of my notes:

argument : argumentti
array : taulukko
backend : back end
class : luokka
click (verb): klikata
cache : välimuisti
code : koodi
colon (:) : kaksoispiste
constructor : konstruktori
compile (verb): kääntää
computer : tietokone
cookie : eväste
data : tieto
database : tietokanta
define (verb): määritellä
deploy (verb): sijoittaa
developer : kehittäjä
domain name : verkkotunnus
download (verb) : ladata
engineer : insinööri
file : tiedosto
folder : kansio
frontend : front end
function : funktio
integer : kokonaisluku
keyboard : näppäimistö
operating system : käyttöjärjestelmä
namespace : nimiavaruus
object oriented programming : olio-ohjelmointi
parameter : parametri
performance : suorituskyky
polymorphism : polymorfismi
process : prosessi
programming : ohjelmointi
responsive : responsiivinen
save (verb) : tallentaa
semicolon (;) : puolipiste
server : palvelin
session : istunto
software : ohjelmisto
software developer: ohjelmistokehittäjä
software engineer : ohjelmistoinsinööri
source code: lähdekoodi
terminal : terminaali
test : testi
user interface : käyttöliittymä
value : arvo
variable : muuttuja
webpage : verkkosivu
website : verkkosivusto

I cannot confirm if those words are really used in actual workplaces because I have no Finnish friends. But I hope this list can save someone's time.

Before I close this post, I want to write little about my learning experience of this language so far. Its grammar is surely hard but hardest part for me is listening comprehension. Unlike major languages such as Spanish, there is a very limited number of intermediate level listening stuff with subtitles, so I lost where to start when I was leaving Easy-Finnish materials. This is still a tough issue. Fortunately, I found some Finnish youtuber videos with subtitles, so I continue this journey.

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