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Vacation Mode JavaScript Action

My Workflow

This GitHub Action helps maintainers of open source projects go on vacation and take mental health breaks by limiting community interactions within a repository. During this time, commenting, opening issues, or creating pull requests will be limited to a defined group.

This GitHub Action avoids the 24 hour limit of the GitHub repository interactions limit feature. This makes it easier for the project maintainers and more transparent for the community.

This GitHub Action does not make any changes that would generate a commit.

This project was inspired by @mrdoob, maintainer of three.js. I started this project on September 17th based on his feature request.

I've already received some amazing feedback, which is why I decided to submit it here for more reach.

Submission Category:

Maintainer Must-Haves

Yaml File

name: Vacation Mode

  # Run on all issue activity
  # Run daily to reset the 24 hour interaction limit timer as needed
    - cron: "0 0 * * *"

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Update Vacation Mode
    - uses: robotnyc/vacation-mode-action@v1
        limit-group: 'collaborators_only'
        vacation-mode-activated: '![vacation-mode-activated]('


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Limit interactions to your repository while on vacation using GitHub Actions

Vacation Mode JavaScript Action

This GitHub Action helps maintainers of open source projects go on vacation and take mental health breaks by limiting community interactions within a repository. During this time, commenting, opening issues, or creating pull requests will be limited to a defined group.

This GitHub Action avoids the 24 hour limit of the GitHub repository interactions limit feature. This makes it easier for the project maintainers and more transparent for the community.

This GitHub Action does not make any changes that would generate a commit.

Inspired by @mrdoob's, maintainer of three.js, feature request .


  1. Add the setup code to your repository workflow.
  2. Create an issue with a title that contains "vacation". For example, "🌴 On Vacation Next Week".
  3. Pin the issue to activate it and so your community can clearly see that you are on vacation.
  4. Include an "out-of-office note" in the issue…

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