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Angular 8 Firebase CRUD operations with @angular/fire

In this tutorial, we’re gonna create a simple Angular 8 Application that does CRUD to create, read, update, delete data to/from Firebase Realtime Database using @angular/fire.

Related Posts:


  • Angular 8
  • @angular/fire 5.1.2
  • firebase 5.9.4


    Firebase CRUD operations with @angular/fire

    Set up the Firebase Project & Install @angular/fire

    Please visit this post to know step by step.

    Firebase CRUD operations for Object

    Create an object binding/ Retrieve

    item: AngularFireObject;
    // db: AngularFireDatabase
    this.item = db.object('item');

// or
Observable item = db.object('item').valueChanges();

// db: AngularFireDatabase
const itemRef = db.object('item');

// set() for destructive updates
itemRef.set({ name: 'grokonez'});


// db: AngularFireDatabase
const itemRef = db.object('item');
itemRef.update({ url: ''});


// db: AngularFireDatabase
const itemRef = db.object('item');

List of Objects

Create a list binding/ Retrieve

  • Returns an Observable of data as a synchronized array of JSON objects without snapshot metadata. It is simple to render to a view:
    items: Observable;
    // db: AngularFireDatabase
    this.items = db.list('items').valueChanges();
  • Returns an Observable of data as a synchronized array of AngularFireAction<DatabaseSnapshot>[] with metadata (the underyling DatabaseReference and snapshot key):
    items: Observable;
    // db: AngularFireDatabase
    this.items = db.list('items').snapshotChanges();


    // db: AngularFireDatabase
    const itemsRef = db.list('items');
    itemsRef.push({ site: '' });


    // set(): destructive update
    // delete everything currently in place, then save the new value
    const itemsRef = db.list('items'); // db: AngularFireDatabase
    itemsRef.set('key', { url: '' });

// update(): non-destructive update
// only updates the values specified
const itemsRef = db.list('items'); // db: AngularFireDatabase
itemsRef.update('key', { url: '' });


// db: AngularFireDatabase
const itemsRef = db.list('items');

// delete entire list

Firebase CRUD operations in Angular 8 example using @angular/fire

Project Overview


We will build an Angular 8 Firebase App using @angular/fire that can:

  • add/remove Customer
  • show all Customers
  • update Customer's status


Project Structure


  • environment.ts configure information to connect with Firebase Project.
  • customer.ts defines Customer class data model.
  • customer.service.ts defines CustomerService that uses to interact with Firebase.
  • 3 Angular components:
  • create-customer for creating new item.
  • customer-details shows item detais
  • customers-list contains list of items, this is parent component of customer-details
  • app-routing.module.ts defines how we route Angular components.
  • app.module.ts declares and imports necessary environment & modules.

    Step by Step

    Set up the Firebase Project & Install @angular/fire

    Please visit this post to know step by step.

    Add Firebase config to environments variable

    Open /src/environments/environment.ts, add your Firebase configuration that we have saved when Popup window was shown:
    export const environment = {
    firebase: {
    apiKey: 'xxx',
    authDomain: '',
    databaseURL: '',
    projectId: 'gkz-angular-firebase',
    storageBucket: '',
    messagingSenderId: '123'

    Create Service & Components

    Run the commands below:
  • ng g s customers/Customer
  • ng g c customers/CustomerDetails
  • ng g c customers/CustomersList
  • ng g c customers/CreateCustomer

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