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Static in C# - Part 1

What is static?

Based on Microsoft (father of C-Sharp), it is modifier to declare a static member, which belongs to the type itself rather than to a specific object. For example, class have structure following:

class Test(){
    public string Content;
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In main function, we have:

static void Main(string[] args){
    var t1 = new Test() { Content = "Test 1" };
    var t2 = new Test() { Content = "Test 2" };

    Console.WriteLine(t1.Content); //output: Test 1
    Console.WriteLine(t2.Content); // output: Test 2
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So we can see the output will difference with other instance. But if we use static in class, what happen?

class Test(){
    public static string Content;
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And update in main function:

static void Main(string[] args){
    var t = new Test() { };

    //error here because you can't access static property through by instance

    Test.Content = 'Static Content'
    Console.WriteLine(Test.Content); //output: Static Content

    ChangeContent("Update content with function");
    Console.WriteLine(Test.Content); //output: Update content with function

static void ChangeContent(string content)
    Test.Content = content;
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Compare main before and after, we have table conclusion:

Non static Static
Create at New instance create Compiler time
Access by Instance Class
Value Follow the instance Follow the class
Life time Until the instance deallocate Until program end

P/s: With static keyword, the variable will be stored in heap memory, below is short description about stack & heap:

Stack Heap
Store - Primitive type
- Reference variable
- Function call
- Object
- Static type
Structure Last In First Out (LIFO) Dynamic
Performance access Faster Slower

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