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Life at Her Paw
Life at Her Paw

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The Personality of Black and White Border Collies

The black and white border collie is known for being extremely intelligent, alert, responsive, and eager to please. They are ranked as the most intelligent dog breed according to Dr. Stanley Coren. They can learn new commands quickly and perform complex tasks with ease. They are also very sensitive and intuitive, able to read human emotions and body language.

The black and white border collie is also very energetic, athletic, and agile. They need a lot of physical and mental stimulation to keep them happy and healthy. They love to run, play, chase, fetch, jump, swim, and do anything that involves movement. They are also very competitive and excel in various canine sports such as agility, obedience, flyball, tracking, herding trials, and more.

The black and white border collie is also very loyal, affectionate, and devoted to their owners. They form strong bonds with their human family and prefer to be with them at all times. They are not suitable for people who are away from home for long periods or who live in small apartments. They need a lot of attention, interaction, and companionship.
The black and white border collie is also very protective, alert, and watchful. They make good watchdogs as they will bark at anything suspicious or unfamiliar. However, they are not aggressive or territorial. They are usually friendly and sociable with other people and animals if they are well-socialized from an early age.

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