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Liplan Lekipising
Liplan Lekipising

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12 Must-Have VS Code Extensions for Frontend Developers

Visual Studio Code is a popular code editor among developers for its versatility and extensibility. If you're a frontend developer looking to supercharge your productivity, these 12 VS Code extensions are essential additions to your toolkit. They'll help you write cleaner code, catch errors early, and streamline your development workflow.

Auto Close Tag - Link
Automatically generates closing tags as you type, ensuring well-formed HTML.

Auto Rename Tag - Link
Renames the opening or closing HTML/XML tag when you rename one, maintaining consistency in your markup.

Console Ninja - Link
Enhances your debugging experience by providing real-time logs instead of checking your browser console.

Error Lens - Link
Highlights and annotates errors and warnings directly in your code, making them impossible to miss.

ESLint - Link
Integrates ESLint to help you maintain consistent code quality and style. Your project needs to have an ESlint file e.g. .eslintrc.json, for it to work.

GitLens - Link
Supercharges your Git workflow by providing in-depth insights into your code's history and authors.

JavaScript and TypeScript Nightly - Link
Offers VS Code's built-in JavaScript and TypeScript support.

Lorem Ipsum - Link
Quickly generate placeholder text with this Lorem Ipsum generator.

NPM Intellisense - Link
Autocompletes npm modules in your import statements, saving you time searching for package names.

Path Intellisense - Link
Autocompletes file paths as you type, preventing typos and reducing errors.

Prettier - Code Formatter - Link
Automatically formats your code to conform to a consistent style, improving code readability.

Tailwind CSS IntelliSense - Link
Enhances your Tailwind CSS development by providing autocompletion for classes.

Feel free to share your own favorite VS Code extensions or offer any corrections in the comments below.

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