DEV Community

Discussion on: GitHub Private Repos are Now Free

leightondarkins profile image
Leighton Darkins

This is oddly well-timed for me.

I've had a paid GitHub account for the last little while to host some code covered by an NDA, now I can save myself $7 a month 👍

I've also never given GitLab a fair chance. I'd love to hear folks' reasoning for choosing one over the other.

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

Same, I made a GitLab account last month because I wanted to start a side project. I procrastinated that side project, but now I can choose to use GitHub instead!

pojntfx profile image
Felicitas Pojtinger • Edited

GitHub is like 1% of what GitLab does (just VCS and issues, whereas GitLab is ... well everything you could possibly want). M$ bought GitHub and made it possible to create ~private~ proprietary software, no suprise. Also, GitLab is FLOSS and is being adopted rapidly by FLOSS projects (LibreOffice, GNOME, KDE, GIMP, GNU, FreeDesktop, Purism, Netlify, ...).
There really is no point in using GitHub (I just mirror my projects for visibility ... and stars, of course), and with remote merge requests comming soon, it really will be much easier to just ... use GitLab and be done with it. Also, GitLab's UX is much better IMHO. Responsive, Vue-based and, again, FLOSS vs 100% proprietary and M$-sponsored. Simply speaking: GitLab is the future, GitHub the past. Think SourceForge.