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New Years Resolution - Dev Log 25

Ayyyyy, number 25, that is pretty good if you ask me.

Lots of things I have got working. For starters, Stripe payment processing is working like a charm. I also got the GitHub action read to go, which purges my DB of any job listings older then 60 days. Need to deploy before it can be tested though. I also added some security to my API routes, the details of which will remain on the down-low, since that is a best security practice.

Right now I am fighting with Vercel to deploy my application. So it will be very exciting when I get this figured out. Every time I deploy I get fetch errors. At first, it was because I was fetching my own API in getStaticProps methods, which apparently is not okay. After I changed that, I still got fetch errors. So I changed the URLs I was trying to reach over to the URL Vercel is trying to provide me with using an environment variable they provide. Still got errors. This time it was a new error though, only "absolute URLs are supported". Easy enough, I prepend the scheme to the URLs. So now they look like this:

'http://www.' + process.env.VERCEL_URL + '/api/searchJobListings';

Bam, right back to fetch errors. So I ended up starting a support ticket with Vercel. Then when I saw the response time, I started a pro account free trial and opened up a new ticket, got em.

After they respond, I should be able to get my project deployed. Then I can add the Google reCAPTCHA to the forms, test my GitHub action, take Stripe off of test mode, and integrate "party town" (a third party application that speeds up a site by offloading non UI tasks to web workers). Then I can finally create the MVP video I have been talking about. Hopefully, if all goes well, my job board will be fully released either Monday or Tuesday of next week!

Glory to Ukraine!

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