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Lakin Mohapatra
Lakin Mohapatra

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Who will win the AI chatbot wars: Sparrow or ChatGPT?

Businesses are always seeking for ways to innovate and enhance as the world depends more and more on technology. Artificial intelligence (AI) is one sector that has grown significantly in recent years, and OpenAI's ChatGPT is one key player in this industry. This AI chatbot has generated a lot of buzz in the tech community, and there are even discussions about it perhaps dislodging Google's search engine in the future.

Google has declared a "code red" and directed some teams to concentrate on developing AI products in response to this threat. However, it appears that the company may already have a solution in the form of Sparrow, a chatbot that DeepMind is creating.

DeepMind, which was acquired by Alphabet (Google's parent company) for $500 million in 2014, is one of the world's leading AI labs. They are most notable for their software platform AlphaFold, which has solved the "protein folding problem" and is considered one of the most important achievements in modern science.

Sparrow , which was introduced in September 2022, is similar to ChatGPT in that it is trained with human feedback to make it more helpful, accurate, and harmless. However, what sets Sparrow apart is its access to the internet through Google, allowing it to integrate up-to-date information into its responses and provide sources. This could potentially change the way 4.3 billion people work and use the internet on a daily basis if it gets integrated into all Google apps, such as Google Docs, Android, YouTube, and Gmail.

But, there's a catch. Google is facing the Innovator's Dilemma, which is a phenomenon where established companies have difficulty adopting new technologies or business models that disrupt their traditional markets. An AI-powered chatbot like Sparrow could potentially disrupt Google's traditional search market, as they make around 60% of their revenue from search. So, the only thing stopping Google from winning the AI race is Google itself.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the coming months and years. Will Google be able to overcome the Innovator's Dilemma and fully embrace the potential of Sparrow ? Only time will tell.

References :
Improving alignment of dialogue agents via targeted human judgements

Building safer dialogue agents

Google may use Deepmindโ€™s Sparrow as ChatGPT competitor

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