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Labby for LabEx

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7 Essential Java Programming Tutorials πŸ–₯️

Are you a Java enthusiast looking to expand your coding skills? Look no further! This collection of 7 comprehensive tutorials from LabEx will guide you through a variety of essential Java programming concepts and techniques.


From learning how to check if an input is an integer to mastering the art of creating objects, this curated selection has something for developers of all levels. Dive in and unlock the power of Java with these step-by-step lessons!

1. Check if Input Is Integer

Dealing with user input can be tricky, but this tutorial has got you covered. Discover three different methods to determine whether a given input is an integer in Java, including using the Integer.parseInt(), Scanner.hasNextInt(), and Character.isDigit() methods. Master this essential skill and ensure your Java applications handle input seamlessly.

2. Determining Titlecase Characters in Java

Titlecase characters are an important part of text formatting, and this lab teaches you how to identify them using the isTitleCase(int codePoint) method in the Java Character class. Learn how to support supplementary characters and understand the connection between titlecase and the Character.getType(ch) method.

Skills Graph

3. Convert Char to String

Sometimes, you need to convert a single character char to a full-fledged String in Java. This tutorial walks you through the different ways to achieve this, ensuring you have the tools to handle this common task with ease.

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4. Java LocalDate getMonth Method

Dealing with dates is a common requirement in Java development, and this lab focuses on the getMonth() method of the LocalDate class. Learn how to use this method to retrieve the month of a given date, and explore the various ways to work with dates in your Java applications.

Skills Graph

5. Remove Element From a Java Map

Maps are a fundamental data structure in Java, and this tutorial teaches you how to remove elements from them. Discover the different methods available, such as remove() and Iterator.remove(), and gain the confidence to manipulate your Java Maps effectively.

6. Java Character isISOControl Method

Understanding control characters is crucial for text processing in Java. This lab delves into the isISOControl() method of the Character class, explaining how to identify characters that fall within the ISO control character ranges.

Skills Graph

7. How to Create an Object

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is the foundation of Java, and this tutorial covers the essential skill of creating objects. Learn the step-by-step process of instantiating a class and bringing your Java entities to life.

Dive into these tutorials and elevate your Java programming skills to new heights! πŸš€ Remember, the journey to mastery is paved with continuous learning, so keep exploring and expanding your knowledge.

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