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Cover image for Who's looking for open source contributors? (August 2nd edition)
Kyle Boe
Kyle Boe

Posted on

Who's looking for open source contributors? (August 2nd edition)

Find something to work on or promote your project here.

Please shamelessly promote your project. Everyone who posted in previous months is welcome back this month, as always.

Happy Coding!

Photo by Christopher Rusev

Top comments (5)

kyleboe profile image
Kyle Boe

I'm posting again about Office Moms & Dads! It is an open source project that my consultancy helped start for the local non-profit that helps kids in the foster care system. Specifically, the app helps schedule/notify volunteers to come in and spend time with kids while they are being placed in the foster care system.

From their website:

Office Moms & Dads is a grassroots volunteer-based organization that serves foster children who have recently been removed from their homes.

Link to Repo:

sobolevn profile image
Nikita Sobolev

We are writing the strictest python linter ever!

Our next big release (0.12) is coming and we have a lot of opened tasks for beginners:

We have nice docs about:

  1. Contribution process:
  2. New linter rules tutorial:
  3. And full API overview:

Join us! 👍

k_penguin_sato profile image


maximousblk profile image
Maximous Black
liyasthomas profile image
Liyas Thomas

Postwoman - A free, fast & beautiful API request builder (web alternative to Postman)

GitHub logo liyasthomas / postwoman

👽 A free, fast & beautiful API request builder (web alternative to Postman) 🔥 logo

A free, fast & beautiful API request builder

Web alternative to Postman - Helps you create requests faster, saving precious time on development - Subscribe

Travis Build Status GitHub release Website Contributions welcome Financial Contributors on Open Collective Donate on PayPal Chat on Telegram Chat on Discord Tweet

Built with ❤︎ by
liyasthomas and

Read: Story behind Postwoman, Postwoman v1.0

Chat: Telegram, Discord

Donate: PayPal, Open Collective, Patreon



❤️ Lightweight: Crafted with minimalistic UI design - simple design is the best design.

⚡️ Fast: Send requests and get/copy responses in real-time - fast software is the best software.


  • GET - Retrieve information about the REST API resource
  • HEAD - Retrieve response headers identical to those of a GET request, but without the response body.
  • POST - Create a REST API resource
  • PUT - Update a REST API resource
  • DELETE - Delete a REST API resource or related component
  • CONNECT - Establishes a tunnel to the server identified by the target resource
  • OPTIONS -…