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I made a plugins weekly ranking site for all Figma Design Tool users.

Hi guys,

I have developed a website( for all Figma Design Tool users.(Of course, it's also for developers who are not designers.)

Why did you make that?

I have developed some Figma Plugins. And then, whenever that time I have to check when "Are there any similar plugins on official page?"
But, that is not good for me(or same developers).

For Example

  1. Can't see the tag informations without going to the detail pages.
  2. Can't see the list of completely new creations.
  3. Descending the order of "Installs" that I see only the standard ones that I can find in some blogs.
  4. Ascending the order of "Installs" that I have to see a lot of unpopular plugins.

I felt that the opportunity loss was so huge in such a situation.
My motto are "Better than nothing" and "Do it myself rather than say complain."

OK, Just do it!

How does the ranking algorithm?

Basic Ranking excludes plugins that have been released more than 6 months after their v1.0.0 release and have once exceeded 1,000 DL. And then, It also excludes those that do not have 10 DL per week.

How does it work?

It is made to be a almost JAMstack. Actually I used Github Pages and my Raspberry Pi at the very beginning. However, the Free plan requires a repositoriy to be public and I have to keep the build machine powered on to run the batch only once a week.
That's very inefficient for me!!!!

So, I got a domain and rent a VPS for the webserver and batch server.

Technical problems

The official website is not Server-side rendering(SSR), you can not do the usual method (download using wget or curl) that's why I had to use headless chrome.
I use the cui version of Inkscape to generate png file from SVG due to day of OGP image tag. However, the date notation could not be shown divided between Japan, the UK, and the USA.
I set NginX so that it can be displayed without the extension.(To make it a bit cooler)
I use the RANK function of sqlite3. (I was surprised because I didn't have this function when I started using it.)

I meant to convert the image to WEBP using ImageMagic etc..., but directly linking the one on the original site and

Sum up

I seem to have completely forgotten English.

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