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Kunal Tanwar
Kunal Tanwar

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Generate Custom Properties (CSS Variables) using SASS

We've all encountered situations where we need to create variables with different units for various purposes, such as margin, padding, or border-radius. In CSS, this typically involves hard-coding each unit individually. However, there's a more efficient way to handle this and save time using SCSS.

To create a range of pixel units using a @for loop in SCSS, you can do the following:

:root {
  @for $i from 1 through 8 {
    --unit-#{$i}: #{$i}px;
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This will generate the following CSS output:

:root {
  --unit-1: 1px;
  --unit-2: 2px;
  --unit-3: 3px;
  --unit-4: 4px;
  /* ... up to --unit-8 */
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If you want to convert these pixel units to rem, you can use a helper function:

@use 'sass:math';

@function rem($value) {
  @return math.div($value, 16) * 1rem;
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Remember to include @use 'sass:math'; as the first line in your SCSS file.

Then, apply the function like this:

:root {
  @for $i from 1 through 4 {
    --unit-#{$i}: #{rem($i)};
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This will result in the following CSS output:

:root {
  --unit-1: 0.0625rem;
  --unit-2: 0.125rem;
  --unit-3: 0.1875rem;
  --unit-4: 0.25rem;
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To take it further and use CSS variables within variables, you can do the following:

:root {
  @for $i from 0 through 4 {
    @if $i == 0 {
      --base: rem(1);
    } @else {
      --unit-#{$i * 2}: calc(var(--base) * #{$i * 2});
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This will result in the following CSS output:

:root {
  --base: 0.0625rem;
  --unit-2: calc(var(--base) * 2);
  --unit-4: calc(var(--base) * 4);
  --unit-6: calc(var(--base) * 6);
  --unit-8: calc(var(--base) * 8);
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You can customize the base value and utilize the helper function as needed for more flexibility.

Thats all From Me

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