DEV Community

Sai kumar Satapathy
Sai kumar Satapathy

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AutoScalling and Load Balancers

Load Balancers

Generally when the load on the server increases and the server get request beyond its capacity then we see server down.
For example earlier when we go to the bank most of the time we see there is the server down, this happens because the server gets much more requests there its capacity.

To solve this problem aws provided a solution of Load Balancer.

  • Load Balancers is a device that acts as a reverse proxy and distribution of network or application traffic across no of servers.

  • It helps to increase the capacity and reliability of the application.

  • It helps to distribute the traffic equally among the servers.

  • It uses Round Robin algorithms.

Image description

Benefits of Load Balancer

  • Scalable
  • Redundancy
  • Flexibility
  • Efficiency


  • It is an AWS computing service that automatically scales up or scales down compute resources as per their actual usage.
  • It ensures the availability of ec2 instances to handle the load of an application.
  • It can create and terminate an ec2 instance when required.


  • this is a process of launching an ec2 instance via launch configuration or instance template as per your policy


  • this is the process of terminating an ec2 instance as per your policy made. Image description

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