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Anastasia Khomyakova ❤ for Konfy

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Damian Brady

Hello wonderful people!

On the 16th of April, we are running the online Data Love Conference.

Data Love is the conference for Data Engineers, Data Scientists, and everyone who wants to dive into the data-driven world. Register for FREE!

With this event, we hope to build more personal connections between the audience and our lovely speakers. For that, we asked our speakers to share their ideas.
Let’s jump on a wonderful ride of the Data Love world and explore what our speakers have to say.

Our next phenomenal speaker is Damian Brady, Cloud DevOps Advocate at Microsoft.

Damian is a Cloud Advocate specializing in DevOps and MLOps. After spending a year in Toronto, Canada, he returned to Australia - the land of the dangerous creatures and beautiful beaches - in 2018.

Formerly a dev at Octopus Deploy and a Microsoft MVP, he has a background in software development and consulting in a broad range of industries. He regularly speaks at conferences, User Groups, and other events around the world.
Most of the time you'll find him talking to software engineers, IT pros, and managers to help them get the most out of their DevOps strategies.
Damian has his own Channel 9show - The DevOps Lab. Check it out for real-world guidance on implementing DevOps in your organization!

What are you working on right now? What drew you to your company?

Right now, I'm helping test a new version of the CLI and SDK for Azure Machine Learning. The new CLI/SDK should make it a lot easier to automate your end-to-end MLOps process. I'm testing mainly with GitHub Actions, and it's looking great!

I was originally drawn to Microsoft because I wanted to help developers succeed and Microsoft had a much greater reach than I did previously. It also gave me a great opportunity to help shape the direction of developer products from Microsoft that are used by many thousands of developers worldwide.

What kind of SDK it is? Is it much different from Kubeflow?

The SDK is only used to speak to Azure Machine Learning, so it's quite different from Kubeflow. However, there are similarities with the way Kubeflow works and the way Azure Machine Learning does some things. In addition, Azure ML has support for MLflow, so the team is making sure we're following open standards!

Would it ever be open-sourced

The SDK and CLI themselves are actually all being developed in the open! You can see the repository here
Azure Machine Learning itself is a proprietary product.

We thank Damian for the thoughtful answers!

At the conference, he is going to speak on the topic: MLOps: Applying DevOps to ML.

If you want to attend Damian's talk and to discuss some questions “in person” you can join us on the 16th of April!

The lineup of speakers is incredible. Topics are diverse. Suitable for any level. Interesting Q&A sessions in Spatial Chat. New career opportunities.

Data is all around you.

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