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Kumar Nitesh
Kumar Nitesh

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Git Rebase

Git rebase is a powerful command that allows you to reapply your changes on top of another branch. This can be useful for cleaning up your Git history, resolving conflicts, and synchronizing your branch with the upstream branch. In this article, we will look at how to use the Git rebase command with an example.

What is Git rebase:
Git rebase is a command that allows you to reapply your changes on top of another branch. When you run the Git rebase command, Git will take your branch and reapply each commit one by one on top of the target branch. This results in a linear Git history, where all the changes are in a single sequence.

Let's look at an example to see how Git rebase works. In this example, we have two branches: feature and master. The feature branch has three commits, and the master branch has two commits.

A - B - C (feature)
  D - E (master)
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We want to rebase the feature branch on top of the master branch, so that our Git history looks like this:

A - B - C (feature)
           D - E (master)
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To do this, we run the following command:

$ git checkout feature
$ git rebase master
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In this example, we first checked out the feature branch with the git checkout command. Then, we ran the git rebase command, passing in the master branch as the target branch.

Git then reapplied each commit in the feature branch one by one on top of the master branch. Since there were no conflicts, the rebase was successful, and the feature branch now has the latest changes from the master branch.

The Git rebase command is a powerful tool for cleaning up your Git history and resolving conflicts. In this article, we looked at an example of how to use the Git rebase command to reapply your changes on top of another branch. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about Git rebase, feel free to ask in the comments below.

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