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Konstantin Läufer
Konstantin Läufer

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JaCoCo doesn't directly support vacuously true 100% branch coverage


I'm an educator and share most of my thoughts just with my students. Once in a while, I have something to share that might help a wider audience and decided to try that here.

Measuring code coverage with JaCoCo

Code coverage is a metric that indicates how thoroughly we're testing. JaCoCo is a mature, actively developed code coverage tool for Java and other JVM-based languages. For each type of coverage, such as lines, branches, etc., it keeps track of covered and missed items and generates a report with the corresponding coverage percentages.

Minimal example in Java

Here is a minimal SUT (system under test) in Java:

public class HelloWorld {
  public String getMessage() {
    return "hello world";
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Here is a JUnit assertion for it:

assertEquals("hello world", new HelloWorld().getMessage());
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And this is the resulting coverage report:

[info] Test run started (JUnit Jupiter)
[info] Test hw.TestHelloWorld#getMessage() started
[info] Test run finished: 0 failed, 0 ignored, 1 total, 0.136s
[info] Passed: Total 1, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 1
[info] ------- Jacoco Coverage Report -------
[info] Lines: 100% (>= required 90.0%) covered, 0 of 2 missed, OK
[info] Instructions: 100% (>= required 80.0%) covered, 0 of 5 missed, OK
[info] Branches: 0% (< required 100.0%) covered, 0 of 0 missed, NOK
[info] Methods: 100% (>= required 100.0%) covered, 0 of 2 missed, OK
[info] Complexity: 100% (>= required 100.0%) covered, 0 of 2 missed, OK
[info] Class: 100% (>= required 100.0%) covered, 0 of 1 missed, OK
[info] Check /Users/laufer/Work/teaching/cs335/hello-java-sbt/target/scala-2.12/jacoco/report for detailed report
[error] java.lang.RuntimeException: Required coverage is not met
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According to JaCoCo, the required coverage threshold is not met because zero branches were covered.

How does JaCoCo calculate this?

In JaCoCo's CounterImpl class, the coverage percentages are calculated as follows:

public double getCoveredRatio() {
  return (double) covered / (missed + covered);
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So, when there is nothing to be covered or missed, the ratio is Double.NaN ("not a number"), representing the division of 0 by 0 in this case.


If there are no branches to be covered, shouldn't coverage be automatically (vacuously) 100%? From a discrete math perspective, yes:

If there is no work to be done, then the work is already 100% done.

This corresponds to the understanding in mathematical logic that a universally quantified predicate over an empty set (of any element type) is always true (even if the predicate itself is always false):

scala> Set.empty[String].forall(x => false)
val res0: Boolean = true
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It's easy to implement this behavior by adding a case distinction:

public double getCoveredRatio() {
  if (missed == 0) {
    return 1;
  return (double) covered / (missed + covered);
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After working on this for a bit, I finally found the pertinent closed issue from 2015. The closing comment suggests that they are favoring a continuous math perspective based on the ratio calculation shown above, which returns NaN even if there are no items missed. They closed comments on this issue, and I don't think they'd consider reopening it.

Arguably, this is a leaky abstraction that is inconsistent with the definition of code coverage from a discrete math perspective.

Why is this even relevant?

Doesn't all real-world code include branches, such as conditionals or switches?

Well, not necessarily. Arguably, the fewer the better from a readability and maintenance point of view. Event-based systems, such as this Android stopwatch, might not need explicit branching in their control flow when using structural techniques instead, such as attaching listeners to different event sources and applying the State pattern to implement the underlying state-based behavior.


This is obviously a rather minor issue but regularly throws off my students. The path of least resistance seems to be changing the JaCoCo branch coverage threshold in your build configuration: If your SUT happens to have no branches, set the branch coverage threshold to 0, otherwise set it to the desired percentage.

jacocoReportSettings := JacocoReportSettings()
      branch = 0,
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