This short article explains what Unity's Prefabs are and what they are useful for.
Let's imagine that we want to make a Tower Defence game in Unity. At first we would create a Tower GameObject, that would look something like this in the Hierarchy:
When the player starts the game, usually there are no Towers in the scene yet. What we need is a way to save our Tower GameObjects somewhere and then load them into the Hierarchy again as soon as the player wants to build a tower.
This is what Prefabs are for.
Creating a Prefab
Let's create a Prefab. It's very easy, all we have to do is drag our GameObject from the Hierarchy into the Project area like this:
Afterwards we can see the Prefab in our Project area:
Now we can delete the GameObject from our Hierarchy so it's not in the game world anymore. But since it's in the Project area, we don't lose it completely.
Loading a Prefab
If we want to load a prefab, we have two options. We can either do it manually by dragging it from the Project area into the Hierarchy area, or by using a script that calls Instantiate.
Here is an example script that loads a Prefab as soon as the game starts:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Test : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject prefab = null;
void Start () {
// instantiate the prefab
// -> transform.position means that it will be
// instantiated at the position of *this*
// gameobject
// -> quaternion.identity means that it will
// have the default rotation, hence its not
// rotated in any weird way
Now all we have to do is add the Test script to a GameObject in the scene, take a look at the Inspector and then set the public prefab variable to any Prefab from our Project area like this:
After pressing start, it immediately loads our Tower Prefab into the scene.
Simple as that!
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