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Khair Alanam
Khair Alanam

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5 YouTube Channels I follow for Web Development (in no particular order)

Reading time: 5 minutes

As someone still learning web development (and will never stop learning), I have come across a bajillion of web development content across YouTube. Some are good, some are fine, and some are meh.

tutorial hell meme

So, with all the web development content I have seen (and with practice), I have seen some channels that have helped me in my web development journey. I still follow these channels for my ongoing learning. I have found them to be helpful in many unique ways.

So without further ado, Here are 5 YouTube channels that I follow for web development in no particular order. All these channels are best in their own right, and I have found them immensely helpful in my web development journey.

1. FreeCodeCamp


This one needs no introduction. I can't stress how much this gold mine of educational content has helped me in my learning and still does it to this day. FreeCodeCamp has revolutionalized tech education.

FreeCodeCamp is a non-profit organization started by Quincy Larson to make learning web development (and software development in general) accessible to everyone, and it's all for free!

You can find a lot of tutorials covering various development fields like Web development, Machine learning, Game development, DevOps, Mobile app development, etc., in FreeCodeCamp.

FreeCodeCamp also provides tutorials covering all the major programming languages like C++, Java, Python, JavaScript, Kotlin, etc. Plus, they update their tutorials to keep up with the trends.

2. Traversy Media


Traversy Media is a great channel for web developers and those learning web development. It is a youtube channel started by Brad Traversy that provides web development tutorials and other videos that are useful for a developer that wants to make their careers fruitful.

What I like about his channel is that in his tutorials (including other awesome developers' tutorials), the technologies and concepts are taught concisely without being overwhelmed by the complexity of that particular subject.

Plus, I love his videos on web development guides as I would get to know which technologies are relevant then and prepare myself to learn and apply them.

I recommend this channel to every web developer and those learning web development.

3. Web Dev Simplified


Web Dev Simplified is another great channel mainly focused on web development, specifically the front end. If there's one thing Web Dev Simplified stands out from others, it's that this channel teaches every concept within minutes, with clarity and conciseness.

Personally speaking, I found Kyle's (the one behind Web Dev Simplified) CSS Flexbox and Grid videos to be one of the best tutorials on YouTube that talks about Flexbox and Grid. Some of his JavaScript tutorials were also really helpful, especially as a revision of whatever I have learned in modern JavaScript.

4. Kevin Powell


Kevin Powell's channel is the one that made me fall in love with CSS. Many things in CSS are underused, some are ahead of their time, and some are just unique. Anyways, to get to the point, I realized the power of CSS because of this great channel.

Very well known as the "King of CSS," Kevin Powell's YouTube channel is a channel that's heavily focused on CSS and its efficient use in making well-optimized websites. Despite its only focus on CSS, I found the channel to be great for web development learners.

While learning CSS, I found this channel to be particularly useful in one of the most important aspects of web development; responsiveness. And because of him, I enjoyed making my website projects responsive and well-optimized.

Outside his YouTube channel, he has a course called "Conquering Responsive Layouts" on his official website which is, in my opinion, the best course on responsive layouts. I would highly recommend every web developer check it out. From this course, I learned the use of em, rem, ch, vw, vh, and other units from Kevin Powell and much useful information on responsiveness.

I highly recommend every web developer and learner check out his channel.

5. The Net Ninja


The four channels that I have mentioned earlier are well-known in the web development community. But for some reason, this channel is not very well-known. Let me tell you, this channel is just too good.

To begin with, The Net Ninja is a YouTube channel that is heavily focused on tutorials in the field of full-stack development. Going through many of his playlists on JavaScript and React, I have one question only: "How are these tutorials free of cost?!?!"

The tutorials in The Net Ninja are well structured and well thought-out in playlists for all kinds of learners to understand every concept and technology explained in these tutorials. Shaun (The one behind The Net Ninja) is such an awesome instructor and knows very well how to make his students understand everything in his tutorials.

I learned Modern JavaScript, Asynchronous Programming with JavaScript, and Modern React from The Net Ninja. For all these playlists, I give them 11/10 because they are just so good and well-structured.

I recommend everyone The Net Ninja channel if you are learning web development.

Responsiveness testing meme

And that's pretty much it! Those are the 5 YouTube channels I follow for web development.

All these channels are the best in their right. Besides, these are not the only best channels out there. So if you got any good channels for learning web development, comment below!

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