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Discussion on: Why you can't break a forEach loop | ByteSize JS

kenbellows profile image
Ken Bellows • Edited

Awesome article! Minor nitpick though: Array.prototype.forEach() and its siblings map, filter, reduce, reduceRight, some, and every were all actually introduced back in 2009 with ES5!

I bring this up not for know-it-all points, but because it's important for browser compatibility. Most of these methods are available in browser versions going back 10+ years, which is super important and helpful if, like me, you work in an environment where you still need to maintain support for those browsers 😭

codenutt profile image

Thank you for the correction! I'm the only one who edits these things, so I appreciate any and all feedback. I'll update it to reflect accurate info!

I feel you though, I have to support old browser's too