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Kaylee Brown
Kaylee Brown

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The Most Pervasive Problems in Java Assignment Writing

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Like all languages, Java is a language, but that is mainly used for communicating with computers, thus a computer programming language. But, trust me, like all languages learning offers its own set of challenges. But, trust me, Java is nothing if one learns the intricacies of the language.
Any language starts with learning the alphabets, for Java, it is the indentations, please don’t fell for my wordings, it is the syntax one has to follow for good programming practices. After knowing this you will be called a ‘developer’ rather than a ‘linguistic’. Please remember we are writing for the computer, but it needs to be understood by humans. Now let me guide you for the common problems you might face during the assignments that you need to submit in a strict timely manner, even after doing the part-time, freelancing, or hustling, whatever your thing is.
• Everything in Java is a method, but it starts with Class – Writing the assignment statements starts with defining a class. Some common terminology one has to master to do so, like ‘Public’, ‘Void’, ‘Main’, ‘Static’ ‘Private’.
Allow me to elaborate on them. Public class is something that can be accessed by any other class within Java or outside java. ‘Void’ is the return type, meaning nothing is expected as a return type. Main, does exactly what it sounds like. Having main defines the program to be the main program, and Java source codes are kept under a project for compilation and execution purposes. ‘Static’ when the developer does not want the method to be changed explicitly but only invoked. ‘Private’ well it’s a private thing. What the class does is written inside a method. Let me show you an actual code. It checks the invoices for any errors,

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• Always follow indentation – Tab is your friend, when writing code, always remember, though the code will be used to perform some task, it is human that will read your code.
• Always follow good programming practice – Code should be written as such that it be read without even ‘running’ the code. Use proper commenting that starts with ‘//’. Comments must be ample for anyone to read the codes without the need to look for the ‘requisition document’, the document where it is written what is to be expected through the codes.
• Always use operators logically – Java programming is all about logic. Often it is needed to carry out logical operations and the words used are called operators. The assignment operator is used to add or subtract expressions that contain a logical ‘AND’ or ‘OR’ condition between the arguments.
• Know and use Libraries properly – Computer often doesn’t understand the codes one writes until the computer gets a dictionary that holds the meaning of the codes. One needs to invoke the libraries beforehand writing a code, without which the code will not run even if the logic is correct.
• Take professional help – I will admit the first time I have a problem I went to my closest friend, but he also couldn’t help, thus we both went online for java assignment help, and it was worth it, not only we did compete for the assignment, we were taught the basics too.
• Java is easy if you know how to use it – It’s all in the logic, and if not able to formulate logic, will never be able to write code. But once learn that by heart, not only in classes but in life, they will be sure to excel. Knowing a language opens doors to the job. But knowing a programming language opens doors to the programming industry itself.
I would suggest you never take programming casually rather give it your heart once, you will later thank your former self. Another thing once you learn logic, you can learn any programming language.

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