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My Mac setup for work πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

jun on December 06, 2020

This weekend I'm going to set up a new Macbook Pro 13' for work. πŸ’» Here are my current preferences for setting up a MacBook Pro. ο£Ώ > ...
francisalturas profile image
Francis Alturas ✨ • Edited

Nice setup! Sharing my team’s mac setup here as well. (We’re a bunch of coding product designers 😁)

I usually do a clean wipe every end of the year. So, I keep this handy πŸ‘Œ

junlow profile image

Cool stuff! Thanks for sharing ✨

ndrone profile image
Nicholas Drone

I would look into Vivaldi as your browser over Brave. I too used Brave for a while, and have switched over to Vivaldi. They have added a few nice addons. Like screen capture supported right in the browser. The ability to keep notes as well, instead of copy and pasting to sticky notes.

Alfred is a must. It's free, but if you pay for it. It then supports the history of the copy command. Man, that saves me a few seconds every day.

Spectacle is another if you run multiple monitors most of the time.

junlow profile image

Thank you for the suggestions and will check them out, especially the Vivaldi! 🀩

I noticed that Spectacle is no longer maintained but there's another good option - Rectangle.

ndrone profile image
Nicholas Drone

I'll have to look at rectangle then.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

What do you mean by "regular ABC"? I'm in the UK and Apple's keyboard layout is ISO but not really UK - it's somewhere between US and UK - so I have to go in and make a bunch of changes to get it as close to UK as possible.

I set cmd+Q to the thing that inverts screen colours, because it's the least destructive thing I could find and Apple don't let you turn the combo off.

Speaking of things you can't turn off, I set the dock to the smallest size allowed, auto-hide it and position it on the right edge of the monitor, so I'm less likely to trigger it by accident.

It's difficult to hack MacOS into a pleasant experience.

junlow profile image

Thanks for the points, some are really great options :) The regular ABC means it's in English but I didn't set it to a specific country, the symbol above the key 3 on my keyboard is # but if I choose to British, it will type Β£ instead of #.

I was using dock position on the right edge before and just decided to change to bottom this time due to my monitor is on the right display position, and so far I don't have any issue with auto-hide.

blended_ideas profile image
Karthik RP

New Macbook Pro 13'? As in the one with M1 Processor?

junlow profile image

I don't really want to be a beta-tester, I'd probably let one gen, then consider it :)

blended_ideas profile image
Karthik RP

Oh ok, Was trying to get reviews for users.
With the price tag that apple comes with, its understandable that no one wants to be the beta tester.

beatrizazanha profile image
Beatriz Azanha • Edited

Nice list! I would also look into the clipboard manager called Flycut ( and Jolt for Caffeine to prevent display sleep! (

junlow profile image

Thanks for recommending! I'd probably go for preventing the computer from sleeping on the System Preferences > Energy Saver.

lesleyvdp profile image
Lesley van der Pol

Nice list! Does uBlock to much on top of Brave?

junlow profile image

Thanks! Yes, they actually do similar things but uBlock could prevent the page from loading if there's any bad risk.

lesleyvdp profile image
Lesley van der Pol

Ah cool! So just an extra neat little feature :)

willdoescode profile image

I would recommend the starship theme for zsh, it is faster than spaceship as it is written in rust and imo it looks nicer.

junlow profile image

Thanks! I'd give it a try since I use spaceship for a year now!

machr profile image
Mark Powell

Alternatively, i'd look at Powerline10K (not 9K). Seems to be 28x faster than Spaceship

Thread Thread
junlow profile image

Thanks Mark, I've heard good thing about it too!

dkalomoiris profile image
Dimitris Kalomoiris

Great post. Thank you for all the above :)
Nice tips

junlow profile image

Thank you! :D

junlow profile image

You're welcome