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jtenner • Edited

Got a big pull request done on my testing software!

GitHub logo jtenner / as-pect

Blazing Fast Testing with AssemblyScript 🎉


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Write your module in TypeScript and get blazing fast testing with web assembly speeds!


Testing is the first step of every project. It's important to make sure that the library or app you've chosen to become responsible for works in the manner you wish to have it work. It only takes a few minutes to get setup even if the benefits are transparent.


To install as-pect, install the latest version from github. Once AssemblyScript becomes more stable, as-pect will be published to npm.

$ npm install jtenner/as-pect

To initialize a test suite, run npx asp --init. It will create the following folders and files.

$ npx asp --init
# It will create the following folders if they don't exist
C ./assembly/
C ./assembly/__tests__/
# The as-pect types file will be created here if it doesn't exist
C ./assembly/__tests__/as-pect.d.ts
# An example test file will be