DEV Community

José Sánchez Aranda
José Sánchez Aranda

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Recruitment in IT means to do a test

Hi everyone, this is my first post. It's why I'm going to introduce myself. My name is José Sánchez, actually I work as Software Engineer at I define myself like a dreamer, enthusiastic and self-taught person. I love my work as Front End developer.


Frequently developers receive in their inboxes, a lot of offers from another companies, with a lot of social benefits, more brute salary, etc.

But first they have to show to the company what skills they know.

This is something that sometimes produces laziness and it does that many people doesn't do the test the company ask they for.

Do it for you

It happens to me a few days ago, but I thought that it wasn't for the company It was for me, I mean, doing the test you can know how are you in the current market.

The test consists in create a Shopping cart with a framework, or vanilla javascript for the Front and create a server that returns the shop items with an offset and a limit.


Do tests for you, it doesn't matter if you don't want to get the offer. Tests are good to make you know how are you in the current market.


In the next post I'll do the test to show you a possible answer!

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