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Jose Gonzalez
Jose Gonzalez

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No social media in the mornings - Day 4

Fourth day for my no social media in the morning journal. You can read my what would your life be without social media in the morning for more details.

If you are reading this for the first time, thank you for stopping by.

What's the point of this? You may ask.

It's simple. My main goal is to inspire and motivate you by example.

Let's continue our journey, shall we?

Day 4

  1. Turning off the alarm. ⏰
    Yep, I did it again. I hit the alarm on the phone and crawled back to bed. This stomach issue has really over stayed its welcome.

    This morning I was motivated to get up a bit earlier. Today's Friday. Yeah, that must be it.

    I looked at time and it was 6:55am. I was still feeling pretty crappy, eyes tired and body aching all over. This was the moment of truth: Do I want to have another crappy day or a good one?

  2. Let's run! πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ
    I decided for a damn good one. Fighting against my will, and complaining every step of the way, I got my running gear on while listening to my pre-run music.

    Once the gear is on and the music is playing, my body automatically knows it's time to get serious!

  3. Phone in armband πŸ“±
    I record my runs with RunKeeper. The phone goes into my arm band to turn on app and continue listening to my play list.

    After drinking some orange juice for an energy jolt during my run, I say goodbye to my kids and head outside.

    Today is cool but the sun is out. Great weather for running. I will let the results speak for themselves:

  4. The drive to work πŸš—
    After a quick shower and quickly getting ready, I grabbed my things and put my phone in my pocket. I had a small conversation with my wife and drank my morning shake and tea. 🍡

    Endorphins make everything takes better for some reason. I felt great and was looking forward to my commute.

    I ended up listening to the classic How to Win Friends and Influence People. I've listened to this book multiple times but I get something juicy every time I listen to it.

    The first part of not criticizing others and listening amplifies what I said on yesterday's Day 3 entry.

  5. Work, work πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»
    Morning wasn't crazy, but the afternoon turned a bit stressful as I found out the story I was working on started to explode with unforeseen requirements.

    As I was ending my day, my manager saw me and asked me how I was doing.

    "Honestly, I'm a bit stressed" - I said.

    "It's Friday, go home and enjoy the weekend. It'll be here on Monday."

    Without a second to spare, I took her advice and thank her for such a helpful reminder. Sometimes, it's helpful to listen to the voices outside your head, don't you think?

    Something good came out though:

First time checking social media

  • Twitter: sometime after 11:30am
  • Email: sometime after 11:00am
  • 1:00pm
  • Crypto currency: 9:30am

Today started as really good day. The afternoon took a sharp turn south, but it's nothing a good Kentucky mule cocktail won't cure.

If I had been distracted by social media and not been present, my thoughts would've taken the best of me this afternoon.

Don't take your thoughts too seriously.
Eckhart Tolle

Indeed, Mr. Tolle.

So, what would our journey teach you?

Now, if you excuse me, my next Kentucky mule won't drink itself. πŸ™‚

Thanks for reading. Till tomorrow!

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