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Jose Gonzalez
Jose Gonzalez

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Going to bed by 10pm and stop playing World of Warcraft - Day 2

Good day, boys and girls, aannndd undecided!

Welcome to the second entry on this journey:

  1. Go to bed by 10pm
  2. Stop playing World of Warcraft (again).

If this is your first time here and/or wondering what the hell this is. Please check out the introduction to this series.

TL;DR: we're replacing old habits with better ones.

Thank you for stopping by and checking today's entry.

As a friendly reminder, this is about you. I'm just sharing some experiences that I hope inspire/motivate you to try them on your own.

Let's continue our journey.

Day 2

  1. Coming Home 🏠
    Anxiety wasn't as bad as the first day. My brain was embracing acceptance that World of Warcraft was out of life (again). My withdrawal symptons were mild at worst.

    Even after a rougher than expected workday, I was pretty chill.

    No need to rush home, now. I only have dinner and spend time with the family.

    Those thoughts were some of my thoughts running in my head.

    My wife was excited about her dinner: (U.S.) Southern BBQ with baked beans and cauliflower. It was freaking glorious! 🐷

    Sorry, no food pics. Trust me, it was damn good.

  2. After Dinner 🍽️
    It was gym day for the missus. So, it was me and the boys for the afternoon (read: no adults around the house!).

    This was the real test on not playing WoW. Usually, I'd play during these days until my wife would come back from her gym. Today was going to be different.

    The boys disappeared into their own games they play. Apparently, I'm too old to play the games they play. (, go figure).

    Instead of fighting temptation and/or testing my will power with Wow (as my inner judge wanted me to do), I finished and published Day 1 of this series.

    I had a lot fun. It had been a while since I enjoyed writing articles for you.

  3. After kids in bed πŸ›οΈπŸ›οΈ
    The boys went to bed a bit later than usual. They were off from school the next day.

    I continued my Pokemon FireRed game I started a few weeks ago.

    OMG, aren't you replacing one addiction with another???

    You may be thinking.

    The answer is no.

    At least, not for me. I am not addicted to all video games. Only a certain kind of video games get me hooked.

    To be honest, I wasn't even playing in full focus. I felt such serenity (or inner peace) and presence that I ended up doing the dishes (something my wife was glad to see once she got home).

  4. Quality time πŸ‘«
    My wife and I decided continue watching our show in Netflix (Troy, if you are interested. Strongly recommend it).

    It had been a while and chilled in the couch while eating some desserts she got from the store.

    I had some strawberry cheesecake with soy milk. God, it was gooood! (But affected my sleep because I ate it too late). 🍰

    Aside from watching the show, we were also chatting about different things going on. Nothing too serious, just two best friends talking.

  5. Bed time πŸ›οΈπŸ’€
    Time went fast! By the time the episode was over, it was 10:30pm. Damn, missed my goal! It was all good. I spent some real good quality time with my best friend.

    Unfortunately, our conversations sometimes carry very late into the nights. This time was no exception and ended up falling asleep at around midnight. (Son of ....)

    I wouldn't have had a problem going to bed a bit late. But the cheesecake gave me a belly ache. In short, I didn't get a good night's rest.

How did we do? πŸ€”

  1. Get to bed by 10pm? ❌
    As explained above, I spent some quality time with my best friend. Something that was needed (and I wanted to do) for a very long time.

    The only problem was eating too much dinner and having that cheesecake! (I don't have regrets eating it, I'm just upset my stomach got upset hehe).

  2. Stop playing World of Warcraft βœ…
    Another day down! Woooo!

    It doesn't mean I'm out of the woods. Hardly! I have been on a similar path before just to fall back to the game again.

    I need to stay vigilant and aware not to fall. This is only the second day.

    One day at the time.

    As my mentor used to remind me.

    I'm happy report that even with my lack of good sleep, my eyes aren't burning much!


I failed to go to bed by 10pm but didn't play World of Warcraft for today.

Other great things came out like spending some much needed quality time with my best friend.

We'll see what the next entry says.

What will your journey say? πŸ™‚

Thanks for reading. Till tomorrow!

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