As part of my dev journey there are a couple of sites that I use to do various things such as generate guids, generate text etc. But I thought recently how nice it would be to have all that information in one place, all those tools in one place. I have started down that journey.
I eventually want this to be a "one stop shop" for all things dev. Where you can get code snippets, look something up, or just get some random data to test something your working on.
Right now I feel the website is a little simple, but I promised myself to start sharing it once I got the first couple of things done, and now that I have I would like you to join me on my journey.
Here is a list of things currently supported on the site:
- Base64 Encode/Decode
- Guid Generation
- Md5/Sha1/Sha256/Sha512 Hash generation
- CSV Generation
- Lorem ipsum generation
- Url encode/decode
There is a list (currently in my head of what I would like to get done next)
- Regex validation
- CSV to Markdown
- Markdown to csv
- Json object creator
- Request buckets
- Code snippets
- Mobile support (I expect most devs to visit this from laptop or desktop so it's not that high right now)
Bunch of things that I want to get done, but obviously don't want to burn myself out too quickly here. I promised myself that as soon as the first couple of things were working that I would start to promote the website so here I go:
It is an open source website, so if you want to request features or tell me about a bug, be my guest, I look forward to when people are actually using it and giving me feedback
npx tailwindcss -i ./wwwroot/css/input.css -o ./wwwroot/css/output.css --watch
Hope you all enjoy!
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