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Jordan Jaramillo
Jordan Jaramillo

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Why Should You Prefer TypeScript over JavaScript in React.JS?

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As a frontend developer, I have worked on multiple projects using both TypeScript and JavaScript. While both are great programming languages, TypeScript has become my go-to language when it comes to developing React applications. In this blog post, I'll explain why you should prefer TypeScript over JavaScript when working with React.

TypeScript with react.js

1. Type Safety

TypeScript is a statically typed language, which means that it catches type-related errors at compile time rather than runtime. This feature makes it easier to catch bugs early in the development cycle, reducing the risk of introducing bugs into production.

In contrast, JavaScript is dynamically typed, which means that errors related to types may not be caught until runtime. This can lead to unexpected behavior and more time spent debugging.

With TypeScript, you can use interfaces to define the shape of your data, making it easier to understand how data flows through your application. This feature can also help with code documentation and make it easier for other developers to understand your code.

2. Better IDE Support

TypeScript has better IDE support than JavaScript. IDEs like Visual Studio Code have built-in support for TypeScript, which means that you get better code completion and error highlighting. This feature can save you a lot of time when developing and debugging your code.

3. Improved Maintainability

TypeScript can help improve the maintainability of your codebase. With TypeScript, you can define interfaces and types for your data, making it easier to understand how data flows through your application. This feature can help you avoid code duplication and reduce the risk of introducing bugs when modifying your codebase.

4. Easier Refactoring

TypeScript makes refactoring easier. Since TypeScript catches type-related errors at compile time, you can refactor your codebase with more confidence, knowing that your code will still work after refactoring.

5. Community Support

TypeScript has a large and active community that is continuously improving the language. This means that you can easily find support and resources when working with TypeScript, including libraries and frameworks built specifically for TypeScript.


While JavaScript is a great language, TypeScript has many features that make it a better choice when working with React. With TypeScript, you get type safety, better IDE support, improved maintainability, easier refactoring, and a large and active community.

I highly recommend using TypeScript when developing React applications. By choosing TypeScript, you can create more robust and maintainable code, reducing the risk of introducing bugs into production and making it easier to scale your application as it grows.

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