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Discussion on: Developer with New Baby Coming Soon — HELP!

johnsalzarulo profile image
John Jacob

Super helpful. I am totally expecting that first few weeks to be a shit show. 🤣

How many weeks / months was it until they weren't so "all consuming time wise"?

Yea this idea of "getting out of the house" seems important, although a bit more challenging in a Pandemic. Luckily we've got a bit of family close by.

Thanks for the thoughts / tips!

mungojam profile image
Mark Adamson

Good question, and I really don't remember. That's the other thing, time elapses in a very strange and different way. Especially when mixed with working from home!

It partly depends when you manage to put them down for daytime naps. Keep trying at that and it will (hopefully) suddenly be possible when it seemed impossible before. Then again every baby is different!

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johnsalzarulo profile image
John Jacob

Thanks ✌️

audreyspizza profile image
Audrey the Nerd

Maybe I can answer the weeks/months for you. The milestones for things getting progressively easier look something like this:

  • 3 weeks (you are able to add more hours to your total sleep)
  • 3 months (better sleep)
  • 4 months (easier bonding as the baby starts interacting more, also more sleep)
  • 6 months (pretty good routine at this point. As a mom, I was able to get even 5-6 hours of sleep. Mind you, mine was (and is) a pretty good sleeper, or at least consistent)
  • 8 months (even better routine, outings are easier)
  • 12 months (congrats, you have a toddler now!)

It helped me to look forward to these milestones when things were hard. Keep in mind, these are not set in stone, and every baby differs.

I found that in some ways, my productivity increased at work because I must accomplish certain tasks in a given timeframe (when the baby is sleeping, etc) because there is literally no other time to do it.

devcoder profile image

Mine is 1 year and a half now, first 11 months basically did not sleep...everyone baby is diff tho so hopefully you wont experience that. During those months he was up every 2-3 hours all day and all we would take turns on the night shift(hardest things ive ever had to do in my life). Flash forward to now things are way easier.... I work from home....and we take turns waking up with my son every other day, he gets up at 7am...i watch him till i start work at 830 and go into a different room that has a door. I pop out through out the day but mostly am able to focus on work. After work i take over until he goes to sleep which is 8pm then I have my free time, usually go to sleep around midnight. But I am not going to lie that first year will be challenging. Also during all this i started my journey to learn to code.