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JoelBonetR 🥇
JoelBonetR 🥇

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JS Functional Concepts: Pipe and Compose

Function piping and composition are concepts from functional programming that of course are possible in JavaScript -as it's a multi-paradigm programming language-, let's deep into this concepts quickly.

The concept is to execute more than a single function, in a given order and pass the result of a function to the next one.

You can do it ugly like that:

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Or using function composition

compose(function3, function2, function1)(initialArg);
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or function piping

pipe(function1, function2, function3)(initialArg);
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To make it short, composition and piping are almost the same, the only difference being the execution order; If the functions are executed from left to right, it's a pipe, on the other hand, if the functions are executed from right to left it's called compose.

A more accurate definition would be: "In Functional Programming, Compose is the mechanism that composes the smaller units (our functions) into something more complex (you guessed it, another function)".

Here's an example of a pipe function:

const pipe = (...functions) => (value) => {
    return functions.reduce((currentValue, currentFunction) => {
      return currentFunction(currentValue);
    }, value);
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Let's add some insights into this:


  • We need to gather a N number of functions
  • Also pick an argument
  • Execute them in chain passing the argument received to the first function that will be executed
  • Call the next function, adding as argument the result of the first function.
  • Continue doing the same for each function in the array.
/* destructuring to unpack our array of functions into functions */
const pipe = (...functions) => 
  /* value is the received argument */
  (value) => {
    /* reduce helps by doing the iteration over all functions stacking the result */
    return functions.reduce((currentValue, currentFunction) => {
      /* we return the current function, sending the current value to it */
      return currentFunction(currentValue);
    }, value);
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We already know that arrow functions don't need brackets nor return tag if they are returning a single statement, so we can spare on keyboard clicks by writing it like that:

const pipe = (...functions) => (input) => functions.reduce((chain, func) => func(chain), input);
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How to use

const pipe = (...fns) => (input) => fns.reduce((chain, func) => func(chain), input);

const sum = (...args) => args.flat(1).reduce((x, y) => x + y);

const square = (val) => val*val; 

pipe(sum, square)([3, 5]); // 64
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Remember that the first function is the one at the left (Pipe) so 3+5 = 8 and 8 squared is 64. Our test went well, everything seems to work fine, but what about having to chain async functions?

Pipe on Async functions

One use-case I had on that is to have a middleware to handle requests between the client and a gateway, the process was always the same (do the request, error handling, pick the data inside the response, process the response to cook some data and so on and so forth), so having it looking like that was a charm:

export default async function handler(req, res) {
  switch (req.method) {
    case 'GET':
      return pipeAsync(provide, parseData, answer)(req.headers);
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Let's see how to handle async function piping in both Javascript and Typescript:

JS Version

export const pipeAsync =
  (...fns) =>
  (input) =>
    fns.reduce((chain, func) => chain.then(func), Promise.resolve(input));
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JSDoc Types added to make it more understandable (I guess)

 * Applies Function piping to an array of async Functions.
 * @param  {Promise<Function>[]} fns
 * @returns {Function}
export const pipeAsync =
  (...fns) =>
  (/** @type {any} */ input) =>
    fns.reduce((/** @type {Promise<Function>} */ chain, /** @type {Function | Promise<Function> | any} */ func) => chain.then(func), Promise.resolve(input));
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TS Version

export const pipeAsync: any =
  (...fns: Promise<Function>[]) =>
  (input: any) =>
    fns.reduce((chain: Promise<Function>, func: Function | Promise<Function> | any) => chain.then(func), Promise.resolve(input));
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This way it will work both for async and non-async functions so it's a winner over the example above.

You may be wondering what about function composition, so let's take a gander:

Function Composition

If you prefer to call the functions from right to left instead, you just need to change reduce for redureRight and you're good to go. Let's see the async way with function composition:

export const composeAsync =
  (...fns) =>
  (input) =>
    fns.reduceRight((chain, func) => chain.then(func), Promise.resolve(input));
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Back to the example above, let's replicate the same but with composition:

How to use

const compose = (...fns) => (input) => fns.reduceRight((chain, func) => func(chain), input);

const sum = (...args) => args.flat(1).reduce((x, y) => x + y);

const square = (val) => val*val; 

compose(square, sum)([3, 5]); // 64
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Note that we reversed the function order to keep it consistent with the example at the top of the post.

Now, sum (which is at the rightmost position) will be called first, hence 3+5=8 and then 8 squared is 64.

If you have any question or suggestion please comment down below

Latest comments (48)

mihailtd profile image
Mihai Farcas

Great article! Love the fact that you include the async versions.
Glad to see people interested in this topic!
I have a YT video on this same topic:
where I show some real world examples. Feedback is very appreciated!

wiseai profile image
Mahmoud Harmouch

Thanks for sharing such a neat concept. Also, +1 on using JSDoc (Get the TS code outta my face. Kidding, keep it.).

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇


wiseai profile image
Mahmoud Harmouch
export const pipeAsync: any =
  (...fns: Promise<Function>[]) =>
  (input: any) =>
    fns.reduce((chain: Promise<Function>, func: Function | Promise<Function> | any) => chain.then(func), Promise.resolve(input));
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types aren't that useful

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joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

To be fair in this situation it can, effectively, be any 😅
The return type would be the return type of the last function called and the type to pass to the next function would be the output type of the one before, but I honestly don't know how to express that in the TS type system nor if its possible. 🤯

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wiseai profile image
Mahmoud Harmouch

These situations always keep me thinking about why I am using TS in the first place. You will end up spending so much time figuring out the types in these tricky situations, which is NOT a business problem to work on in the first place. That's why I would love to revert back to JS, anytime.

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joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

Because the absence of types (nor TS nor JSDoc+TS Pragma ) leads sooner or later to non-expected paths that can break the app in runtime, which is a business problem that will rain as sh*t over the dev team (Imagine you spent 200k on a marketing campaign and the app crashes avoiding the conversion that could eventually amortize the costs plus benefits).

Are the types necessary in every single App? No, they aren't.

Still it's recommended to have them in most apps. On the other hand, JSDoc + TS Pragma (remember that JSDoc alone does nothing but printing an informative text, you need TS Pragma to get type checks on dev time) is better than nothing, but TS has much more features than that.

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wiseai profile image
Mahmoud Harmouch

Because the absence of types (nor TS nor JSDoc+TS Pragma ) leads sooner or later to non-expected paths that can break the app in runtime, which is a business problem that will rain as sh*t over the dev team

Yep. Although the absence of types may not be considered a major problem by some, me included, I believe that not following best practices is what ultimately causes more issues in web development. By adhering to established conventions and standards, we can avoid many of the potential problems that can occur without these guidelines. In addition, following best practices often leads to code that is easier to read and understand, which can save time and frustration for all parties involved.

But, the thing is that major business issues, even though I don't have data but from what I have experienced, are not necessarily caused by the absence of types. I think there is a correlation between the two. But, the relation is not causation. The absence of types doesn't necessarily lead to rain as sh*t over the dev team. Know what I am saying?

Are the types necessary in every single App? No, they aren't.


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joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇 • Edited

Of course not, the main issue is not having tests.
Key in the discussion here being that coding in TypeScript is faster than vanilla JS + JSDoc + TS Pragma, you may never seen it this way but look:

 * Sums two numbers
 * @param  {number} n1
 * @param  {number} n2
 * @returns {number}
const sumTwoNumbers = (n1, n2) => n1+n2;
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/** Sums two numbers */
const sumTwoNumbers = (n1: number, n2: number) => n1+n2;
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As well as more reliable.
To get a similar reliability with JSDoc you need to ensure JSDoc is added and maintained through automatisms in the linter and run this step in the PR's pipeline, at least (i.e. ESLint plugin JSDoc) and it takes more to configure than what it takes to configure TS most of the time.

Keep in mind that using JSDoc and TSPragma you are just using one little piece of TS, which is about type definition and type reports (and it doesn't even cover it entirely).

If you just need those features, then add TS and just use those features 😂

Do you dislike interfaces? Fine, don't use them, if you are working in FP instead OOP, interfaces doesn't even make sense (in FP all functions are interfaces).

It is not mandatory to use everything from TS so don't stress it so hard 😁

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wiseai profile image
Mahmoud Harmouch


fruntend profile image

Сongratulations 🥳! Your article hit the top posts for the week -
Keep it up 👍

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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Sloan, the sloth mascot
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Sloan, the sloth mascot
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Sloan, the sloth mascot
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daniilgrebenick profile image


vinsay11 profile image
Winsay vasva

good article

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

Thank you Winsay 😁

annabaker profile image
Anna Baker

Great Post!

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

Thank you Anna! 🙂

gohomewho profile image

WoW this is so cool!

In the last example, I think the pipe from pipe(square, sum)([3, 5]); should be compose.

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

Hi Gohomewho, thanks for pointing it out! I'm fixing it right now 🙂

luiyit profile image
Luiyit Hernandez

Very interesting, I also learned about curried functions. Thanks for sharing!

flyingcrp profile image

just need one package,
In the magical world of JS,If one package cannot be solved, find another package

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

Why to add a dependency to the project for something that takes less than 5 LoC?

flyingcrp profile image

I believe the power of the community is greater than the individual And different developers have different abilities

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joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇 • Edited

But is the individual the one that would need to solve dependency compatibility issues, so choose wisely which ones are you going to import, because the less you add the more ease you'll be granted with during the maintenance of the project and further developments.

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flyingcrp profile image

Yes, in the end, individuals are always dealing with these problems.

fluxthedev profile image

Can someone give a few examples of where this might be useful in the real world? :)

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇 • Edited

If you apply good practices and split the code in single-responsibility functions you'll end up chaining quite a few of them.

In OOP you'll do something like:

function replaceBy  (target, replacement) {
  return num.toString().split(target).join(replacement)
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Whereas in functional programming it will look something like:

const replaceBy = (target, replacement) =>
  pipe(toString, split, join)([target, replacement);
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Which is objectively better than

const replaceBy = (target, replacement) =>
  toString(split(join(target, replacement)));
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Specially as the chain grows and for readability: you can actually read them from left to right in comma separated names, plus having just one initial arg usually helps to avoid side-effects.

So it's not a niche concept but a generic one, a nice to have (and use).

That's a bit of a silly example but it may work just to showcase, also you can find another example in the post 🙂

alessioferrine profile image

It's quite interesting things, thanks for writing about it

naofumi666 profile image

I like this🔥

edlinkiii profile image
Ed Link III

IMHO, the "ugly way" is a lot more intuitive and easier to read. Not that I don't appreciate the work you've done or the insight I gained from reading your article. ✌🏻

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇 • Edited

It's your opinion and when you use it in your projects, it will be your code, so use the style you prefer or feel more comfortable with, it's totally OK! 😁

Edit: I wrote the post in different days (one bit at a time) and just realized I had been using different wording for the references on those functions

So for this one:

const pipe = (...functions) => 
  (initialArg) => {
    return functions.reduce((currentValue, currentFunction) => {
      return currentFunction(currentValue);
    }, initialArg);
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we could save few keyboard clicks by coding it like this:

const pipe = (...functions) => (initialArg) => 
  functions.reduce((currentValue, currentFunction) => {
      return currentFunction(currentValue);
    }, initialArg);
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Just like this in the last one:

export const pipeAsync: any =
  (...fns: Promise<Function>[]) =>
  (initialArg: any) =>
    fns.reduce((currentFunc: Promise<Function>, func: Function | Promise<Function> | any) => currentFunc.then(func), Promise.resolve(initialArg));
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Which is probably more... understandable?

Let me know, if it helps I can update the post! 😁

jwp profile image
John Peters

Nice Joel, thanks 😊

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

Thank you for reading John! 😉

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