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Improving Code through Refactoring

For code improvements, I focused on the following points.

1. Separate files according to functional criteria.

I divided the code related to HTML generation and the code related to the command line, split it into two files, and put it in a util folder. There was one error in this part, but it was removed by adding the following codes.


module.exports = {
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module.exports = {
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


const { getArgs } = require('./util/command');
const { isKeyInObject, HTMLgenerator } = require('./util/html');
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2. In each divided file, unnecessary code is removed and structurally modified to make it easier to read.

In my judgment, there were many unnecessary if statements, so I removed them. I removed them because I think it would be better if it showed the error message. Through the first and second processes, I increased the readability of my project.

The part I removed in index.js

if(flags['inputFlag'] == false){
                  argv['input'] = "test/The Naval Treaty.txt"
                  argv['i'] = "test/The Naval Treaty.txt"
                  if(flags['langFlag'] == false){
                      argv['lang'] = "english"
                      argv['l'] = "english"
                  if(flags['outputFlag'] == false){
                          argv['output'] = "dist"
                          argv['o'] = "dist"
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3. Add the necessary parts due to the nature of the code function.

I have not previously added a -o, i.e. result value option. Since the output option was in the -config option, I decided that it was also necessary for the command line option and made it work by modifying the code. In addition, I also updated the file according to the updates.

 const output = argv.output ?? 'dist';
        if (!fs.existsSync(output)) {
        await fs.promises.writeFile(`${output}/${filename}.html`, getHTML(filename, html, lang));
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I committed to each of the above processes. And when I pushed it, there was a git error. Because among the codes I committed, there were overlapping code lines. So I made a manual correction after using fetch, pull git commands.

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