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Discussion on: Living alone, how do you cope up with anxiety, depression and stress from work or from the current events?

jizavala profile image
jizavala • Edited

Ma friend, you are waaaaaay too misguided, is not pop culture, is my way of cope with the problems the OP mentioned, is not the cool way, is the lazy way, the path of the procrastinator, the path of the chaos if you add the point number one. That's why I said is something I DO, but as the fight has started read my answers is funny or at least to me :v

  1. Answer to your point number one, fight with PEOPLE the keyword is PEOPLE, I never said fight with your friends or family in what part of my answer I said fight with your family or friends and feel good about that and the other keyword in that sentence is CHAOS yes, or as we like to know, thanks Batman for this, "Some men just want to see the world burn". If you think I like to fight with my family you are pretty much right, they hate me? Maybe yes, but I don't care :v

  2. Answer to your point number three, he ask how you deal with anxiety, depression and stress, where in all the holy post is said about human interaction, as I know cause I am someone with anxiety, depression and stress, people or human interaction as you said is a no no for me, people is just stressful as to go to a meeting that easily can be a email, depression is nothing about uplifting my friend, depression is way too deeper than shallow human interaction, depression needs meds or a good psychologist or both, if your anxiety is chronic well, you need meds and something to cope, and no, people is not the number one method to cope with anxiety. You need to put your brain to work in something different because work is killing you with all the three. Videogames helps cause you use other parts of your brain and playing make you feel something were accomplished even if is not real a lot of games has social interaction normally the mmorpg, WoW is an example.

  3. Answer to your point number four, take a break goes to just sit in your front porch, or wherever you like and see the horizon or the people walking or even a bird jumping from branch to branch, you don't need to accomplish nothing, you just need a break, just laid back and breath, just that, people tend to say you need to accomplish something in the day or you fail the day, to me accomplishment is know that I work as hard as I could, I don't eat candies cause I need to lose weight but hey if you couldn't do it, is alright too. You need to go to your own pace, you are not running against anybody, just you and your life, ma friend is ok if you need to feel you accomplished something is good.
    You need to rest heck even doing exercise the people said rest is more important than reps, muscles are a combination of rest, food and workout, and as someone with a goal in lose weight I learned that I need to do 45 min tops of working out 4 days and 8 hours of sleep and rest three days, so rest is a kind of accomplishment.
    My daily realistic goal is eat your meals, do fasting, do exercise, work if you feel you want to do it, or at least try if after 5 min you don't want to just go with the flow and last but not least smile and laugh if by the night I accomplish at least two of these well the day was good is little victories, baby steps or as Creed taught me One step at a time. One punch at a time. One round at a time, but I like my modified version that says, One step at a time, One day at a time, One goal at a time, made sense? Maybe not, but works for ME.
    So after that letter for you point number four, I can resume that answer as "Do nothing is doing something".

Thanks for reading.

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mccurcio profile image
Matt Curcio

Your right, every fam is different, every person is different and to that I say,

Your happiness is important, may you be happy