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Julian Gaston
Julian Gaston

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Developer Mental Health Tips


Starting out as a web developer can be exciting, daunting and exhausting. Whether it’s a night of coding into the early hours, or an unexpected bug that takes you back to the drawing board, the mental stimulation involved in your work can be an intense experience. But it needn’t take a toll on your mental wellbeing. In this guide, we explore some ways to retain a lightness of touch, and a sense of humour, navigating the chaos.❤️

Strategies for maintaining mental health

Strive for balance. If you’re a seasoned developer, perhaps you can bang out some awesome code for a few straight hours. Give it a shot, but learn to feel when it’s time for a break. The Pomodoro Technique is a great combination of purposeful work (25 minutes of hardcore coding) followed by a short and purposeful break to recharge and refresh your mind (5 minutes). That sounds great, but what if you’re just building your skills or angling to move into development from another department? As you start learning, try to dedicate just a few minutes of daily downtime to coding. And finally, get away from your keyboard. Make sure you’re devoting time to discrete, non-code related activities each week that you can look forward to and contribute towards chipping away at burnout. After all, the best developer in the world probably needs a drum set at home to unwind from looking at screens too!🎵

Cultivating a healthy mindset

Build yourself a harmony surround-sound system. Get buddy-buddies and buddy-buddy communities. Check out online forums and be present at meetups, so you can have a ‘chit-chat’ with other developers and console yourself with the knowledge that you are not alone in the code world. Rant about your frustrations, and laugh together with fellow-coder buddies as you recount the silly bughunters inhabiting your debugging memories and nightmares.🧠

Laughing through the bugs: a guide to staying sane as a web developer

Laughter is your sidekick. The next time a bug makes you go ‘WTF?’ laugh about it. It sounds cliché, but a good hearty laugh relieves stress. Create an AI-bug meme collection, follow funny programming social media accounts (eg, the bingo-card-creator using their platform to spit out programming jokes), or email a colleague about the funniest bugs that happened to you during the week.😆

Embracing the chaos: a web developer's guide to staying grounded

Learn to love the messiness and the mistakes. Coding is fundamentally iterative, and accepting that and not fighting the trial-and-error nature of it can lead to less stress and, ultimately, more resilience. Focus on the process, not the output, and celebrate each small win along the way. There isn't a single developer who didn't make a ton of mistakes along the way: every mistake is a practice move.🏃


Alongside the time pressure of development work, prioritizing and maintaining sound mental hygiene is also about maintaining sanity. Through applying some of these strategies, you can develop your grit outlook, maintain or restore your equanimity, and even develop an amused detachment to invariably hectic situations. Enjoy the ride as much as the destination. Happy coding.💻

Top comments (6)

namix profile image

Learn to love the messiness and the mistakes. Coding is fundamentally iterative, and accepting that and not fighting the trial-and-error nature of it can lead to less stress and, ultimately, more resilience.

Ah that's a good one. I've been trying to write perfect code from the start for some time now (I kind of expect it with 10 years of experience from myself), and this quote just made me realise it's stressing me out.

jgdevelopments profile image
Julian Gaston • Edited

YES! That's the point. I too, no where near as seasoned as you, have came to that realization as well, one of the reasons I wrote this. I don't think I am nearly as good of a dev when I am "brute forcing" a bug/problem haha. I think frustration clouds our ability to think clearly about a bug or feature.

Thanks for your insightful comment!

wraith profile image
Jake Lundberg

Nice suggestions here 😊 Having a positive attitude toward the chaos that software development can bring can certainly be challenging, but if you can do it successfully, it brings a lot of fun and joy into your life. Love to see posts about keeping it positive! Keep up the great work

jgdevelopments profile image
Julian Gaston

Thank you so much for your insightful comment!! I will try my best!

Mental health is crucial to productivity, work/life quality, ambition and to so many other aspects. Like you, I love to see others shed light on it.

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

This article highlights some great tips for maintaining mental health as a developer.
Thanks for sharing.

syedmuhammadaliraza profile image
Syed Muhammad Ali Raza
