Parsing a String
First thing is first we want to read in a file. I won't be writing full compiling examples as I'm usually doing this on my phone. However, in general any examples can be pasted directly into a main function because D has nested everything.
void main() {
import std.file;
auto data = readText("filename.ext");
reads the entire file into memory. Usually not a bad start but could be a problem with very large files. D also utilizes immutable strings, so techniques I'm showing generally do not use additional memory.
Matching Beginning or End
Sometimes all that is needed is a check if the beginning or end matches a value.
import std.algorithm;
auto data = "word word"
assert(data == " word");
will not only identify if the string is found at the beginning, but also move data past the string.
Removing Whitespace
import std.string;
auto data = " str ";
assert(data.strip == "str");
assert(data.stripLeft == " str");
assert(data.stripRight == "str ");
Along with whitespace an argument can be past in to specify a specific string to strip off.
Find a String
Rather than reiterate here, see my previous post. I also am preparing the next post which dives into more of the variations.
Regular Expressions
The standard regex library is very nice. I won't be going over examples because regular expressions themselves are a more advanced topic.
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