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Do You Have Your Own Website/Portfolio?

Jeannie Nguyen on July 29, 2020

How many of you have your own website? Did you create it in one go? Launch it and then build it over time?

I haven't created mine yet, hoping to be inspired. Would love to hear about how you decided to design it the way you did.

If you have your own website, please share it below!

itachiuchiha profile image
Itachi Uchiha

Yes :) This is my website:

jeannienguyen profile image
Jeannie Nguyen

Very creative 'About Me' section, Ali!

itachiuchiha profile image
Itachi Uchiha

Hehe. Thank you :) 🐈

martinbelev profile image
Martin Belev

I started mine recently. I have been thinking to do it for so long but every time I have some excuse/reason to not start it... At first I was thinking of making everything from scratch but after all I wanted to focus on writing and sharing my knowledge so I end up using a very minimalistic theme and built the site on top of it. I wanted to launch it as quickly as possible and incrementally build over it. It took a little more than a week to get it live. I have made some adjustments and improvements here and there afterwards. Maybe in the future I am going to redesign it all by myself.

The site is at

btlm profile image

I like how clear your page is. Pure simplicity.

martinbelev profile image
Martin Belev

Thank you 🙃, I was looking for such a template/theme- something very minimal.

jeannienguyen profile image
Jeannie Nguyen

Looks good, Martin! I like the light/dark mode capability.

martinbelev profile image
Martin Belev

Thank you ☺️

bugsysailor profile image
Bugsy Sailor • Edited

My first website in 1997:

And many, many iterations and domain names later:

Each one was launched with minimal need and grown or shrunk from there. Changing platforms, changing content, you name it. I've always seen it as my playground to do what I want, it's not for clients, it's not for anyone else, but just for my own amusement. If someone else enjoys it along the way, that's great!

jeannienguyen profile image
Jeannie Nguyen

Love the first and current website comparison, Bugsy! Looks good!

ciscospice profile image

I love your projects and activities. It reminds me of the web back before social media. (Sniff, sniff, nostalgia!) I will be adding Plaidurday to my calendar.

bugsysailor profile image
Bugsy Sailor

Thank you so much Ciscospice!

kastona profile image
Stephen Kastona

1997! Dang! I was probably learning to wear my pants right! 👌

thesanjeevsharma profile image
Sanjeev Sharma

I made the base version in one go. Took me about 2-3 hours. After that, whenever I learn something new I try to include it in my portfolio in some way. For example, recently I learned about Mapbox. So, I added that to my portfolio. - Built using ReactJS + NextJS and TailwindCSS.

jeannienguyen profile image
Jeannie Nguyen

I like the colors you chose to go with, Sanjeev!

cheukting_ho profile image
Cheuk Ting Ho 🐍

I do have my own website, it's fun to have one. Have been a bit lazy lately and my website totally needs a tidy up (just like my room) 😝
I used Jekyll and hosted on GitHub. I would say that's the easiest way to make a website. There are lot's of free Jekyll themes available and you just need to put some personal touch to it. You may want something fancier if you are a web dev (or want to be a web dev though) ✨

But I am happy with mine so far, check it out here:

ciscospice profile image

I just bookmarked your OOT project. I’d like to help out!

jazkh profile image

Nicely made

nic0mrt profile image

Hi Jeannie !
I have just finished mine and I can tell you it's definitely worth it.
I was not confident in myself and my design skills are not very good but I chose to make one anyway and I don't regret it.
My advice would be to choose a framework you want to master in order to improve your skills at the same time. For example mine was made with Gatsby which I didn't know before developing my site.
You wan have a look at mine :
Sorry for non French speakers !

jeannienguyen profile image
Jeannie Nguyen

I like how you built the menu on mobile, Nicolas. Clean work!

nic0mrt profile image

Thank you for your feedback Jeannie! Did you decide to make your own?

Thread Thread
jeannienguyen profile image
Jeannie Nguyen

I did! Everyone's sites are so creative, can't wait to start building mine. I'll share it once it's live.

jazkh profile image

Looks beautiful

nic0mrt profile image

thanks for your feedback !

donnaken15 profile image
Wesley • Edited

I run a light web server on a free TK domain, with links to most of my projects, maybe some tests of forum/SQL-based engines, and some programming files hosted

jeannienguyen profile image
Jeannie Nguyen

Let us know when it's online so we can check it out, Wesley!

donnaken15 profile image

its back, have to use an old cpanel i used to use though until i can resolve my home server not being public i guess

saschadev profile image
Der Sascha

Yep I own a Blog on ths will be hostet with vuepress and static Website hosting. So it will be fast and looks pretty simple. Adding a new article will be done with markdown.

Very nice I like. But I only use this for bloggin purpose and very unfrequently at the moment.

fossheim profile image

I have a website/blog, but it's not really as much of a portfolio as it is a place for me to share my writing. I might at some point decide to add some side projects (I can't share any paid work since it's all between NDA's), but for now it's mainly a blog.

I decided to go for a more minimalistic theme, in order to not distract from the reading, but with some small and fun details (like rainbow hover effects).

krckyboy profile image

I made my website a while ago but initially it was just the first section, the part with social links and email. Just recently I've added the "about me" section, "skills" and "projects". I'm going to replace the "wanna hire me?" with a contact form. Hosted on Netlify.

ogurinkaben profile image
Ogurinka Benjamin

I own one and I built it from scratch (I always enjoy doing that). It has gone through stages that help remind me of my growth too😅.

Check it out here
Also, see all the past versions

jeannienguyen profile image
Jeannie Nguyen

I dig the current site! Big fan of the versioning as well, that's awesome.

ogurinkaben profile image
Ogurinka Benjamin

Thanks a lot💗❤

davidgagne profile image
David Vincent Gagne

Yes, but it’s only been online since 1999.

robotsquidward profile image
A.J. Kueterman

I was kind of expecting it to look like 1999, not the case! Looks great!

davidgagne profile image
David Vincent Gagne

Haha! Thanks!
I wish I’d thought to take a screenshot every time I redesigned it over the years ...

Thread Thread
jeannienguyen profile image
Jeannie Nguyen

Would've loved to see the original page in 1999!

Thread Thread
davidgagne profile image
David Vincent Gagne

The Internet Wayback Machine actually has a couple of pretty good snapshots from back then. Looks like the earliest one they have is from Aug 2000:


tylerlwsmith profile image
Tyler Smith

I do! It started as a single page with a fun image and a couple of sentences about who I am. Then I added an about page, and a contact page. After that, I added a portfolio with some of my best projects on it.

Then I removed everything but the image and a couple of sentences about who I am. I realized my portfolio was tragically out of date and I was never going to find the energy to update my projects 😂

I swap out the sentences about once a year now. Here's where I landed 🤷‍♂️

jonathanyeong profile image
Jonathan Yeong • Edited

Here's mine:

I built it in one go. Since I'm no designer, I ended up using a template, and tweaked it over time. I'm realizing that there are limitations working within the bounds of the template so I'm thinking about doing a big redesign.

I also wrote about how I built my blog.

le_newtype profile image
Nicholas ―M―

I've recently started my own blogging site that I did in one go using WordPress:

That's fat arrow, dot dev!


I wanted to focus on generating content quickly, rather than building a CMS from the ground up to flex or something. I also didn't want to mess with hosting and was fine with chucking money at WP to figure it out for me.

I did spend a little too much time trying to come up with a color scheme and then getting a PhotoShop template set up for header images, but it seems to work well for me.

lkhrs profile image
Luke Harris

I run a WordPress site over at which I'm still tweaking. I think I want to add some SVG curves to shake it up a bit.

I love the Jamstack and really wanted to use Gatsby, but ultimately I decided the writing experience was more important than new tech. I may still switch it over to something like Frontity and use WordPress headless.

krrish96 profile image
Sai Krishna • Edited

I launched mine recently

Took 2 weekends for the design and 3 weeks (after work hours + weekends) to develop and fix design issues.

I wanted to learn design and my portfolio was long due, hence started with this.

jeannienguyen profile image
Jeannie Nguyen

Looks good, Sai!

jazkh profile image

Nice work

harrisgeo88 profile image
Harris Geo 👨🏻‍💻

I started mine a year ago with the intention to start writing blogs. However only recently I started blogging more often and I love it. The initial thought was to try out Gatsby, then moved my personal website to it.

Adding small features every now and then is a nice way to keep being active. In the future I'm thinking of adding a mailing list as soon as I build an audience.

Having a personal website to play with and see where it goes in my opinion is a great approach to keep active. Also having some longer term goals helps a lot. What are your thoughts?


jeannienguyen profile image
Jeannie Nguyen

Looks good, Harris! I like your favicon and the dark/light mode capability.

marcradziwill profile image

Yes, I do have my own website. I work as a freelancer and know how important it is to have a presentation of yourself. But even if you are working within a company I would create a minimalistic one with a blog on it. If you are changing your job or looking for a job a website can be an advantage for you to present yourself.

I started with writing down what I want to archive and whom I want to have on my site. Not that everybody else shouldn't visit but I wanted to know my target group. From my target group, I made three personas and wrote down what they could like or dislike. Writing this down as a significant influence on my design and my content.

Then I started to develop it. I wrote a blog post about how I did this:

Check it out:

I didn't create it in one go. I am a friend of progressive enhancement and things change anyway. The only thing a did in one go before I started was to write the initial content. It helped me to get an image of how my site could look like.

If you start your own site, let us know. I am curious 😉

By the way, I am currently migrating my site from Gatsby to eleventy 🤷🏻‍♂️😁

jeannienguyen profile image
Jeannie Nguyen

Thanks for the advice, Marc! I'm a friend of progressive enhancement as well. There's always more to be done! Really dig the website, love that your favicon looks just like you.

marcradziwill profile image

Thank you, Jeannie 😍
I am currently migrating to 11ty 🤷‍♂️
So like you are saying: "There is always more to be done"

albertomontalesi profile image

My website is where I write mostly about JavaScript. I made it with Gatsby, used a base template but the current site has nothing to do with the original template. The same base is used for my girlfriend's site and both are hosted for free on Netlify.

robotsquidward profile image
A.J. Kueterman

I've created many over the years, usually some flavor of Jekyll & GitHub Pages. Recently I've switched to Netlify over GitHub pages because I wanted a private repo and public site - it works great!

I've used personal sites mostly as a learning ground for basic web dev and as a way to share my projects / infrequent blog posts.

My site is at and currently uses a customized version of the Poole theme which is a super basic theme that some other common themes are forked from.

If you have any questions about what I've learned I'd be happy to share!

boxpiperapp profile image
BOX PIPER • Edited

Heya 👋, check my website, Box Piper:

I launched in one go and building over time.

Built using GatsbyJs. I followed, scrolled and inspired for infinite blogs/bloggers, creators, twitter and rolled it out with all the learnings.
Designed with reading view in mind and building accordingly.

Would love to get some feedback, suggestions, ideas or anything want to share. Be blunt, bold and share it.

donnaken15 profile image

Just getting it out there
I port forwarded both machines and got nothing, plus the fact it's a new router, so I don't know yet if it has to do with that, since last time I remember it worked was before an ISP type upgrade came in

ilearnbydoing profile image
Durgesh Gupta

Yes, this is my site. based on AMP framework.

my agency, a dynamic website based on bootstrap, Laravel, livewire, alpinejs (recently moved away from Gatsbyjs due to dynamic expansion).


vikramkadiam profile image
Vikram Kadiam

Hey Jeannie 👋

I was too in the similar state few months back and looked for inspiration and finally built my first ever portfolio site.
You can read my blog here on the journey of building it. It was fun and it took lot of going through several Dev portfolio sites for small inspirations. Hope this helps u.

gabriela profile image

I have one that is hosted on Heroku with free dynos (it's free) and loads slower if it's not opened frequently. Since I made this I learned a lot and looking forward to changing this at one point. I want a simple design that lets projects/content be in the front.

penguintheorem profile image
Attilio Urbani

I don't have my own website but i'm going to create it next months ! I never had too much time to build my own full projects for different reasons but recently i realized that i really want to start doing that.

I think i'll build some stuffs first and after the website to put them in

alvinqingxing profile image
Alvin Lim

Since I first logged onto the internet in the 90s I've always wanted a web presence. My first website was on Geocities; later I moved to and then had a Wordpress site. This year, when I finally decided to move into the tech sector and learned HTML/CSS/JS I finally created my own site on GitHub Pages, which I recently moved to Netlify after learning about the JAMstack:

pierrefaniel profile image
Pierre Faniel

I made my resume a while back so it's a bit outdated now, at least regarding the content...
It's made in React and all the css is custom, heavily inspired by bootstrap 3.
I'm really proud of the timeline element and the animated mouse scroll (or phone if you're on a smaller screen). I remember that the scroll spy was harder to implement than I would have thought.
Now that I look back at it, it's way too long in terms of details...
Here's the source code:

imabhijithp profile image
Abhijith P

I developed my site from scratch , Yes Im a designer but I don't wanna show some heavy interactions to the visitors. Passing information straight to the visitors thats my policy and thats why I build like this 😊

jeffjadulco profile image
Jeff Jadulco

I built my website + blog during the quarantine. I just started learning web development so building it was part of my learning process. I used Gatsby and Tailwind CSS, and hosted on Vercel. The developer experience of the three is 💯.

Before I started coding my website, I first designed it on Figma. I also made some research and found some inspirations. My top inspirations are and

Here's my website:

rderik profile image

I launched it first with just a "pilot" blog post. And then added a few notes and thoughts every few months and now I've been posting more consistently.

There is a lot more to work do, but incremental improvements over a long period payoff.

This is my site:

I'm using Middleman static site generator:

joemasilotti profile image
Joe Masilotti • Edited

I do! I write about testing, iOS, Ruby on Rails, and sometimes board games on

The site is built with Jekyll and styled with Tailwind CSS. Oh, it’s also open source!

stud2design profile image
Pushpendra Singh

I started with simple blog post website using Gatsby, then over the time updated it inspired by trends and design.

Also I got to test few ideas of mine and new tech on the site, which is very helpful.

Site : 🔗

kopijunkie profile image
Kimmi Gan

I built mine myself, mostly to play around with FE tech that I'm interested in. It's gone from a regular HTML/CSS/JS + a sprinkle of PHP project to a project that uses React with a static site generator for the scaffolding. It's way overdue for another makeover though. Looking to use Gatsby next.

Site is

jazkh profile image

Good work

atulcodex profile image
🚩 Atul Prajapati 🇮🇳

Hey Jeannie,
Nice to see your interest in portfolio website 💝.
By the way I have just created a portfolio website template which also has a free version you can check that out here 👇

mattdark profile image
Mario García

I redesigned mine recently. This time I used Hugo and is hosted on GitLab Pages. It's based on this theme

I've been adding content and making some improvements. And I'm using the DEV API for showing in the Blog section the blog posts I've published here, that was the last section I added.

It's at

huwfulcher profile image
Huw Fulcher

Recently made a website as part of learning a bit of web dev! Will be expanding it to a few more pages soon. I want to see how I can use Hugo on just the blog section of my website rather than on all of the website. Any ideas?

champernet profile image
Timur Iskakov • Edited

I've made a website for my agency on RU-zone. Here is a link:
But I still didn't create a personal website.
"Maybe I'll do it later", - that's what I say everytime I think about it 🙃

osiux profile image
Eduardo Reveles

I've had a personal website since more than 10 years, writing on it about misc random stuff very sporadically. At the beginning of 2020 decided I would like to try something new and migrated from WP to a Gatsby powered site, and been iterating over it the past few months when time allows it.

Right now I'm happy with the current state of it, and just want to try to start writing a bit more.

Site lives at

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

Mine is at

My biggest tip. Don't overthink it, just do it. Start getting content posted their regularly. You can always tweak styles and add features as you go, but trying to get them all perfect from the start is just yak shaving. Grab a template, get content flowing into markdown on your own domain, them figure out what you like.

brianhhough profile image
Brian H. Hough

Yes I do! :) My website is here:

It's been built and re-built many times over. However, I think I'm coming to a branding and design structure I really like. It's a work in progress ¯_(ツ)_/¯

louislow profile image
Louis Low • Edited

Crafted by hands, Here is the repository. Work offline, built with Krugurt JS and Yogurt CSS.

jeannienguyen profile image
Jeannie Nguyen • Edited

I like your site, Simon. The template looks lightweight and simplistic - it'd be really cool if your social media badges/links opened in a new tab so that we could still have your site open. The content is great, too!

jeannienguyen profile image
Jeannie Nguyen

Nice site, Desiré! I really like that you do both design AND development, on top of educational videos.

jeannienguyen profile image
Jeannie Nguyen

Nice site, Doug! It'd be really cool to see that auto-refresh with updates feature.

zikrimarquel profile image

I just finished my portfolio site a week ago, I plan to create blog section later, but here's the current version of it😊

mridulrb profile image
Mridul Bhandari

I have made one last year, got multiple domains -, &

misselliev profile image
Elizabeth Villalejos

Here's mine:

Open to feedback!

sylvainmetayer profile image

Yes, here is mine, I'm in the process to rebuild it with eleventy hosted on Netlify, this is still a WIP though ! Based on the Hylia theme :)

Sorry for non French readers :/

pariola_droid profile image
Pariola • Edited

I just uploaded this

bootstraptor profile image

Check out mine :)

prab_sd profile image
Prab SD

As written in it, made mostly to learn vue. I made a json file which mostly updates everything, adding to the json adds new projects. I saw those drop shadows in a post on here and tried to make everything fit with them.

adityaketkar profile image
Aditya Ketkar

Here's mine :

I went with a minimal single page design with a dynamic geometric art background made using p5.js

ingcarlostello profile image
Carlos Tello
abhisharjangir profile image
Abhishar Jangir

Yes, I have my portfolio:)

avicndugu profile image
avic ndugu

I started mine from a prebuilt theme and later redesigned it little by little, now it looks the way I want it to look.

ucavalcante profile image
Ulisses Cavalcante

Only github profile, and put my new webapp in LinkedIn

nathanhannon profile image
Nathan Hannon

Mine is a work in progress. Kinda ugly at the moment. Lol

artikbharoliya profile image

I'm in progress of making one for me.

mvpopuk profile image
Marian Pop 🦄
sergix profile image
Peyton McGinnis
darkwiiplayer profile image
𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️