DEV Community

Jay Bamaniya
Jay Bamaniya

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Golang Basic and few insights

Started exploring Golang for while and loving its features! Here's a quick intro for anyone curious:

Statically Typed & Strongly Typed: Golang ensures type safety by requiring you to declare variable types (string, int, etc.) and preventing operations between incompatible types (like adding an integer and a string).

Compiled Language: For blazing-fast execution, Golang compiles your code into machine code before runtime, unlike interpreted languages like Python.

Built-in Concurrency: Want to handle multiple tasks simultaneously? Golang's built-in concurrency features make it a breeze!

Garbage Collection: No need to worry about manual memory management. Golang's garbage collector automatically frees up unused memory.

Packages & Modules: Golang keeps your code organized with packages (folders for related Go files) and modules (collections of packages).

Ready to join the Golang journey? Check out these resources:

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