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Cover image for Docker
Jay Bamaniya
Jay Bamaniya

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Docker is an open-source platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. It utilizes a concept called containerization, which packages your code and its dependencies into standardized units called containers. These containers are lightweight and portable, allowing them to run consistently across different environments.

  • Structure of Docker

Docker operates using a client-server architecture:
Docker Client: This is the user interface you interact with to build, run, and manage your containers. It sends commands to the Docker daemon.

Docker Daemon (dockerd): This is the background service that handles the heavy lifting. It builds, runs, and distributes your Docker containers based on instructions from the client.

Benefits of Using Docker
Portability: Containers run consistently regardless of the underlying infrastructure.
Isolation: Applications run in isolated environments, preventing conflicts.
Efficiency: Containers share the host's operating system kernel, making them lightweight and fast to start.
Scalability: Easily scale your applications by adding or removing containers.

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