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Jawad Ali Abbasi
Jawad Ali Abbasi

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APACHE AGE & PostgreSQL | Alternate Way To Load AGE


Sometimes configuring 'postgresql.conf' does not work properly and the system does not seems to have 'age' loaded. I faced this problem so I thought of sharing it with others who might be facing it too.

So let's get started.

First of all, we have to run the following command:

bin/createdb --port=5430 demo

Use the port number suitable for you and again your custom db name, here it's demo.

One more thing to note is that here we are actually creating the database with 'createdb' command while with 'initdb', we just initialized the database cluster.

Now we have to start "psql", its a command-line tool to run queries.

bin/psql --port=5430 demo

After the running this command, you should see a different prompt for the following lines.

Here we can write our queries for manipulating the database.

To load age, follow the steps described below.

Run commands in the following sequence:

SET search_path TO ag_catalog;
LOAD 'age';

That should load age in the database and make it ready to run age queries. Make sure to end each command with a semi-colon ";" or else it would not work correctly.

See You Soon!

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