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Jawad Ali Abbasi
Jawad Ali Abbasi

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APACHE AGE | How To Use AGE Viewer

Welcome Back!

So we had successfully installed AGE Viewer in the last blog. Let's see how to use it.

So when we open it, we get this screen:

Image description

Fill in the fields according to your configurations and it shall send you to the main transactions page where we will write queries and get results.

In the query tab, we can write any query we want, as shown in the snap below, and press the Arrow button to get results.

Image description

When the results are ready, they are displayed below in graphs composed of nodes and edges if there are any relations between the nodes. An example snap is displayed below.

Image description

So this is all for the working of Apache AGE Viewer. A helpful tool to graphically view and understand your schemas and their intra-relationships.


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