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Chris Jarvis
Chris Jarvis

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HacktoberFest Update

We're three weeks into Hacktoberfest. I thought I would post a quick update on my progress. I'm writing this on lunch time Wednesday but using the new schedule feature to publish Friday Morning.
I'll be offline this weekend so it'll be great to test scheduling.


2 Pull request accepted and matured.
2 Pull request merged and maturing. (One will mature early Saturday morning.)
1 Pull Request pending
1 issue assigned, and still working on it.

That means as of now. I have met the goal of four PRs accepted for the month with two more in process.

wire frame sphere. text says


This is my first year maintaining a project. So far I had 4 new to Hacktoberfest PRs accepted. This will be a blog in November.

Top comments (2)

thedreamer911 profile image
Handhika Yanuar Pratama


jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Thank you!