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Discussion on: Resume Review

jackdeadman96 profile image
Jack Deadman

This is such a great opportunity, thank you! Here's my CV, any feedback will be greatly appreciated!

molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her)
  • Education: I would leave off your grade each year and I would also leave off BISHOP BELL SCHOOL. You have so much college education plus job experience that those other details arent needed.
  • Skills: You have a lot of languages there which is AWESOME! Something to think about doing is paring down that list based on the job you are applying for. Also make sure you are confident in your ability to write code or explain concepts from each of those languages on the spot. I have heard of companies that will pick the most obscure language on a Resume and ask the candidate to code in it so be ready for that. LOVE the non-technical skills, those are good ones to have!
  • Experience: Spot on, I think you have great details for everything.

Honestly my biggest critique would be that if feels a little busy with the two columns. It is nice that it is different but at first I wasnt sure where to look. You might want to consider a standard one column approach or research and find other two column resumes to see how they format it to make it easy to read. I am sure its doable I am just not a "design" person so I dont have any good suggestions.

Keep kicking butt!

molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her)