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Yordan Ivanov
Yordan Ivanov

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Stop Writing Spaghetti Code: Instead, Make it SOLID

Photo by August de Richelieu

In your relentless pursuit of delivering value in the data engineering realm, you often find yourself entangled in the web of code you weave. This infamous spaghetti code eats up your valuable time. It leaves you with a concoction that's hard to understand, maintain, or scale. Imagine needing a straight line but being handed a knotted string instead.

The result?

You spend more time untangling than you do advancing.

The good news?

There’s a better way to approach your code.

Enter the SOLID principles. A structured approach that makes your code robust, clean, and easy to work with as projects evolve. It’s like having a master blueprint for every line of code you craft.

Today’s journey will unravel the bowl of spaghetti code and lay down a firm foundation with SOLID principles. You'll traverse through the common pitfalls that lead to a tangled mess. You'll also learn how a shift to SOLID can save time, reduce bugs, and foster a culture of excellence.

Oh, and I decided to finish the post with a meme. Please, tell me what you think.

Recognizing The Tangled Mess

Most seasoned data engineers will attest that bad code can significantly bog down a project. Yet, spotting these issues isn't always easy, especially when you're knee-deep with deadlines. It’s like being so engrossed in a task that you don’t notice the chaos around you until you take a step back.

Common Pitfalls

The rush to get things done often leads to overlooking the importance of code readability and structure. It's a slippery slope. Before you know it, you are skimping on documentation, leaving behind a trail of cryptic code that has team members playing detective.

Photo by cottonbro studio

To sum up:

  • Ignoring code readability and structure in the name of getting things done.

  • Missing documentation leaves team members playing detective.

  • Neglecting to refactor or optimize as the codebase grows.

The aftermath?

A tangled mess that demands Herculean effort to decipher and adapt. It's not merely about the code; it’s a labyrinth that echoes a deeper problem in approach and understanding.

The Bitter Harvest

So, what's the big deal about spaghetti code?

Let’s face it, spaghetti code is more than a minor nuisance — it’s a giant roadblock when aiming for clean, maintainable code.

The repercussions go beyond frustration. Messy code leads to time spent debugging, more errors, and a dip in team morale due to rising frustration.

And again:

  • Wasted time in debugging and understanding the code.

  • Increased errors and bugs that stem from a lack of clarity.

  • A hit to team morale as frustration mounts.

Photo by Yan Krukau

Let’s not ignore the elephant in the room.

Developers waste a whopping 23-42% of their time due to technical debt and loo code. This means a big chunk of the development budget goes to fixing or working around hard-to-understand code. It’s a stark reminder of the business impact of code quality. Code Red: the Business Impact of Code Quality.

But fear not. There’s a light at the end of this tangled tunnel — the SOLID principles.

The SOLID Shift

The panorama of coding doesn't have to be gloomy. The SOLID principles emerge as a beacon of hope, illuminating the path to crafting code that’s not just robust but a joy to work with. They are like the cardinal points on a compass, guiding us amidst the stormy seas of code complexity.

The SOLID Foundation

The SOLID principles are like the pillars that uphold the structure of exemplary code. Each principle is a guideline that nudges us closer to a codebase that’s easy to manage, extend, and collaborate on.

  • Single Responsibility Principle : One class, one job. It’s the epitome of focus, ensuring that each class has a sole reason to change.

  • Open/Closed Principle : Open for extension, closed for modification. It promotes the idea of extending a class’s behaviour without tampering with its existing code.

  • Liskov Substitution Principle : Subtypes should be substitutable for their base types. It’s the assurance that a derived class can replace a base class without breaking the code.

  • Interface Segregation Principle : Don’t force clients to use interfaces they don’t need. It’s about crafting lean interfaces tailored to client requirements.

  • Dependency Inversion Principle : Depend on abstractions, not concretions. It’s the cornerstone of decoupling code, ensuring a modular and maintainable codebase.

These aren’t merely theoretical concepts but pragmatic guidelines that have stood the test of time. I plan to dissect those in a future article. Still, the insights from Uncle Bob’s talk further cement the pivotal role of SOLID principles in modern coding paradigms.

Why It Resonates

The SOLID principles resonate because they tackle the crux of the issues that lead to spaghetti code. They encourage a clear separation of concerns, making the code more modular and easier to debug and extend.

Hey, I heard you like lists:

  • Encourages clear separation of concerns , making the code more modular.

  • Enhances code maintainability , paving the way for future adaptations.

  • Fosters a culture of continuous improvement within the team.

  • Facilitates easier communication among team members.

The cherry on top?

Refactoring, guided by SOLID, can reduce the time spent on maintenance by 25% , saving time and money in the long run, according to Enkonix.

A Taste of SOLID in Data Engineering

Imagine a chef trying to prepare appetizers, main course, and dessert all at once. That’s what a monolithic class handling all ETL steps does — a recipe for chaos. In the world of data engineering, chaotic code becomes evident when you task a single piece of code with all three tasks.

Implementing SOLID, you'd segregate these tasks into distinct classes. Each honed to perfection in its job. This not only promotes code reusability but also eases modification. It's about having a well-organized kitchen where each chef masters their station, even during the rush hours.

Photo by Gustavo Fring

I don’t want to make this article too long, so I’ll leave the practical example for another time. But until then, I have a question for you.

Remember my Snowflake to Redshift article?

Let’s say you built your Extract-Transform-Load jobs to work specifically with Redshift. You don’t have any plans to change that, but the software developer in you tells you you need to build your code in a modular way. You separate each of the ETL steps. One day, you decide it’s time to move from Redshift to Snowflake.

How do you build your Loading piece?

Put your suggestion in the comments below, or just drop me a message by replying to this email.

A Nugget of Personal Wisdom

Embracing SOLID isn't just about writing better code; it's about fostering a culture of excellence. Throughout my journey, integrating these principles has cultivated a team environment where everyone values quality. This transformed the codebase from a bewildering maze into a well-charted map, where each line of code had a clear purpose and place.

The beauty of SOLID lies in its simplicity and the profound impact it has on the code culture. It’s not about a rigid set of rules, but a mindset that champions clarity, organization, and continuous improvement.

Make SOLID Your North Star

Embarking on this journey is like moving from a stormy night to a clear dawn. It’s about transitioning from the chaos of spaghetti code to the structured elegance of SOLID. The benefits are substantial, and the shift in mindset is transformative. Your code is not merely a means to an end but a testament to craftsmanship, ready to stand the test of time.

The SOLID principles are more than a set of guidelines; they’re a philosophy that champions precision, clarity, and excellence. They're not about setting rigid boundaries but about fostering a mindset that seeks to continually refine and elevate the code you craft. It's about cultivating a culture where quality code is not an afterthought but a prime objective.

So, are you ready to steer your codebase towards the SOLID horizon?

The journey from tangled code to SOLID isn’t just about refining code; it’s a culture shift. And it’s one worth making. Share your thoughts below or drop me a message. Let’s navigate this path together.

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