This article is written for more advanced developers which are looking to get a quick grasp on the Kotlin Language for work or for some interesting projects.
We cover installation, basic syntax and a quick introduction to functions in this article which is Part 1 in a long series.
- Part 1 : Getting Started with Kotlin
- Part 2 : Control Flow in Kotlin
- Part 3 : Loops and Exceptions in Kotlin ( Coming Soon )
For this specific tutorial, I recommend using VsCode since it has almost everything you will need.
- First, install the Kotlin language using Homebrew.
brew update
brew install kotlin
Next, install VsCode Support for Kotlin using the Kotlin extension and Code Runner.
Lastly, create a new file called
with the following code within it.
In Kotlin, we always begin our program with the
function. This function is always named the same and does not take any parameters.
fun main() {
println("Hello, world!!!")
which we can then run by using the code runner extension. If all is good, we should get the output as
[Running] cd <filePath> && kotlinc main.kt -include-runtime -d main.jar && java -jar main.jar
Hello, world!!!
[Done] exited with code=0 in 7.21 seconds
Congratulations! You've successfully installed Kotlin ๐๐๐ !!
Programming With Kotlin
Var vs Val
While there are a variety of nuances to consider when deciding whether to use a Var and a Val, an important consideration is that
A Var is a mutable reference while a Val is an immutable one.
A good rule of thumb is to therefore minimise the use of Vars while sticking to Vals as much as possible.
We use types in Kotlin in order to avoid any potential typing errors which might result in unforeseen problems. We can annotate types in Kotlin by using the command
val one:Int = 1
Kotlin by default gives us the Types of
- Int
- Double
- Boolean
- String
- Char
- String
Which we can annotate as seen above. If we do not annotate the type of a variable, Kotlin will simply infer its type.
We can also write more complex helper functions which we can call and utilise. Functions take the generic boilerplate version of
fun <nameOfFunction>(parameter_1:type_1,...){
//Function Code Goes Here
We can see an example below of a function which multiplies two numbers together
fun multiplyByN(x:Int,y:Int):Int = x * y
Note : Our function takes in two arguments and can be expressed in a single line. As a result, we can write it without using the two curly braces we normally use.
We can also make our function more extensible by using default arguments. Let's rewrite our multiplyByN
function with some default arguments.
fun multiplyByN(x:Int,y:Int=4):Int = x * y
As you can see, by adding a default argument of 4, the two function calls below are now identical.
fun main() {
fun multiplyByN(x:Int,y:Int=4):Int = x * y
which we can verify by running it using the CodeRunner extension.
[Running] cd <filePath> && kotlinc main.kt -include-runtime -d main.jar && java -jar main.jar
[Done] exited with code=0 in 4.687 seconds
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