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Iván González Dávila
Iván González Dávila

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Social-GPT: The Open Source Social Media AI Writer


In the digital age, social media plays a pivotal role in connecting with your audience, building brand recognition, and driving growth. But managing multiple platforms can be a time-consuming and challenging task. What if there was a tool that could strategize and execute your social media campaigns for you, allowing for effective and efficient engagement with your audience? That's exactly what Social-GPT, an open source tool, does.

What is Social-GPT?

Social-GPT is an open source tool that uses the advanced capabilities of GPT-3 and GPT-4 to streamline your social media management efforts. Acting as your very own social media strategist, it not only optimizes your social media strategy but also executes it for you. From post scheduling to hashtag strategy, Social-GPT takes care of everything, learning and adapting to your specific needs over time.

Image description

Key Features

Social-GPT comes packed with a range of features that make managing your social media campaigns a breeze:

  1. Brand Description Suggestions: Social-GPT offers suggestions based on the provided brand description, helping you better strategize your campaigns.

  2. Topic Generation: It generates a list of topics and formulates ideas for each one, making content planning easier than ever before.

  3. Post Creation: Social-GPT facilitates post creation for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, allowing for a unified cross-platform strategy.

  4. Optimized Post Bodies: The tool creates optimized post bodies automatically, saving you the time and effort of crafting each post individually.

  5. AI Image Generation: Social-GPT generates AI images for each post using Stable Diffusion, adding visual appeal to your posts.

  6. Intelligent Hashtag Selection: It selects hashtags intelligently, helping your content reach a wider audience.

  7. Emoji Incorporation: Social-GPT incorporates emojis in the posts, adding a touch of personality and making your content more engaging.

  8. Multilingual Support: The tool allows you to write posts in any language, making it perfect for brands with a global presence.

  9. Multiple Brand Descriptions: You can save multiple brand descriptions, allowing for a customized approach for each of your brands.

  10. Custom Communication Styles: You can save a custom communication style for each brand, ensuring that your content is always on-brand.

Future Roadmap

Social-GPT is constantly evolving with new features on the horizon. The roadmap includes plans to automatically select images from Unsplash, incorporate other platforms like TikTok and Pinterest, and search the web for news information and post ideas.

Getting Started with Social-GPT

Getting started with Social-GPT is straightforward. You'll need to have Python 3.6 or later installed on your system. After that, clone the repository to your local machine and install the required dependencies. Then, set up your OpenAI API key and HuggingFace API key if you want Social-GPT to generate images. Finally, you can start using Social-GPT by running the file.

Limitations and Considerations

While Social-GPT is a powerful tool, it does have some limitations. It requires an API key from OpenAI, which might have associated costs. The performance of Social-GPT largely depends on the quality and quantity of data supplied for the brand description. Additionally, while it's designed to learn and adapt, human supervision is advisable to ensure the appropriateness and effectiveness of the content.

Contribute to Social-GPT

The Social-GPT project welcomes contributions from the community. Whether it's suggestions, bug reports, or pull requests, your input can help improve this tool. Please follow the contribution guidelines mentioned in the file when making a contribution.


Social-GPT is licensed under the MIT License, making it an open-source project that encourages community involvement and adaptation.


Social-GPT represents a significant step forward in automating and optimizing social media strategies. It not only simplifies the process but also introduces an element of AI-driven strategy that can adapt to your specific needs. Whether you're a small business looking to make your mark or a large corporation wanting to streamline your social media efforts, Social-GPT could be the tool you've been waiting for. Try it today and experience the next level of social media strategy.

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