is not the same as x => f(x)
when it comes to evaluation in a strictly evaluated language like Javascript. The latter renders a function slightly more lazy:
const mapFold = f => acc => ix => {
for (let [i, x] of ix)
acc = f(acc) (x);
return acc;
const arrSnoc = xs => x =>
(xs.push(x), xs);
const mapToArr =
mapFold(arrSnoc) ([]);
const mapToArr_ = ix =>
// ^^
mapFold(arrSnoc) ([]) (ix);
// ^^^^
const foo = new Map([[0, "foo"], [1, "bar"], [2, "baz"]]);
mapToArr(foo); // ["foo", "bar", "baz", "foo", "bar", "baz"]
mapToArr_(foo); // ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
gets a fesh array as accumulator each time it is called and hence keeps the side effect caused by arrSnoc
local. Adding redundant lambda abstractions to a derived function is called eta abstraction and the opposite operation eta reduction.
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