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Evan Charalampidis
Evan Charalampidis

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Pull Requests and Code Reviews: Collaborate Effectively on GitHub

In the last article, we explored branching in Git and how to work with multiple collaborators. Now, let’s take the next step in mastering GitHub collaboration by diving into pull requests and code reviews. These tools are essential for ensuring code quality and maintaining a smooth workflow when working in teams.

What is a Pull Request? πŸ“

A pull request (PR) is a way to propose changes to a codebase. When you create a pull request, you’re asking the repository maintainers to review and merge your changes into the main branch or another branch. PRs are central to collaboration on GitHub, as they provide a structured way to discuss and review code before it’s integrated into the project.

Step 1: Creating a Pull Request

After pushing your branch to GitHub, you can create a pull request:

  • Navigate to your repository on GitHub and switch to the branch you want to merge.
  • Click the "Pull requests" tab and then click the green "New pull request" button.
  • Select the base branch (the branch you want to merge into, typically main) and the compare branch (the branch with your changes).
  • Review the changes that will be merged.
  • Add a title and description to your pull request. Clearly explain what your changes do and why they are necessary.
  • Click "Create pull request".

πŸŽ‰ Your pull request is now created! The next step is to have it reviewed by your team.

Step 2: Understanding the Pull Request Workflow

Pull requests follow a simple workflow:

  • Create a branch for your work.
  • Push the branch to GitHub and create a pull request.
  • Review and discuss the pull request with your team.
  • Make necessary changes based on feedback.
  • Merge the pull request once it’s approved.

Step 3: Reviewing Code 🧐

When someone submits a pull request, it’s crucial to review the code thoroughly to ensure quality and maintain the project’s standards. Here’s how to perform a code review:

  • Go to the pull request on GitHub.
  • Look at the "Files changed" tab to see what changes were made.
  • Leave comments on specific lines of code by clicking the line number and selecting "Add a comment".
  • Discuss any issues or suggestions with the author directly within the pull request.
  • Approve the pull request if the changes are good, or request additional changes if needed.

Step 4: Merging the Pull Request

Once the pull request is approved and all issues are resolved, you can merge it:

  • Click the "Merge pull request" button on the PR page.
  • Confirm the merge by clicking "Confirm merge".
  • Optionally, delete the branch after the merge to keep the repository clean.

GitHub provides options for different types of merges:

  • Merge Commit: Preserves all commits from the feature branch.
  • Squash and Merge: Combines all commits into a single commit.
  • Rebase and Merge: Reapplies commits from the feature branch on top of the base branch.

"Squash and Merge" is a preferred GitHub merge strategy because it simplifies commit history by combining all changes from a feature branch into a single commit. This results in a cleaner, more navigable history, making it easier to track project evolution and identify issues. It also streamlines code reviews by focusing on the overall changes rather than minor, individual commits. Additionally, it reduces merge conflicts and simplifies branch management. While squashing is ideal for most workflows, it may not be suitable when individual commit details are important, especially in large or open-source projects.

Conclusion 🎯
Pull requests and code reviews are vital tools for collaborative development on GitHub. They ensure that code is thoroughly vetted before being integrated into the main project, helping maintain code quality and project integrity.

In the next article, we'll explore how to resolve conflicts during merges and the best practices for keeping your project organised.

Stay tuned, and happy coding! πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»
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