DEV Community

ian h
ian h

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GraphQL on Next.js + Zeit Serverless Functions

I was a bit surprised that there wasn't a library dedicated to running GraphQL on Next.js. It's not terribly hard to do, but I just found myself copying code from project to project enough that it warrants its own library.

Announcing next-graphql, a drop-in solution for running GraphQL on Next.js (and Zeit Serverless Functions):

If you're unfamiliar with how Zeit Serverless Functions work, here's the announcement:

In it's simplest form it's a 1-page implementation by adding a api/graphql.js (or pages/api/graphql.js for next.js).


import { createHandler } from "next-graphql"

let ITEMS = [
  { name: "First" }

const typeDefs = `
  type Item {
    name: String! 

  type Query {
    getItems: [Item]!

  type Mutation {
    createItem(name:String!): Item!

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    getItems: async () => {
      return db
  Mutation: {
    createItem: async (obj, { name }) => {
      const item = { name }
      return item

export default createHandler({
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