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OK Now I am building MVPs for free

I would love to start building my portfolio so I wanna build free MVP's for sometime. I am not kidding I don't charge a single penny so cool right but I am expecting a shoutout to me only if you like my work. Comment below anybody is interested or not

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indefiniteness profile image

TLDR, fun tools you might like at the bottom and about grants/funding.

I have several projects I could use some help with. Possibly we could discuss something in private. They are blockchain based. Platform for regenerative technology platform (would like to use [ for this one since) I have already applied for a grant through Highlight with this idea... so this idea (green tech platform - just wait til I say what exactly, you will like) PLUS $30,000 if they accept me - split somewhere near the middle but will discuss if that happens and we put expenses on paper.
Another two ideas are both web3 social platforms (surprise surprise) that I will probably never even use myself but I never use any social media - I signed up just to comment on your post. The key in these though, is there is built in bot/spam protection - not in the tech or infra but in the design of the interface and what it makes available to users for interacting with others. It doesn't limit their engagement or reach in any way. There is a bit of incentive involved, but it gets a bit more interesting than something that commonplace. If I ever would have found you any earlier, I would've been on blockchain! And we may be onto something yet. But I digress, on a more serious note: these ideas... you haven't heard/seen before, and no web3 dapps/social spaces are using concepts like what I have in mind. How can I say that? Because I do not socialize with anyone, don't have a TV, and rarely read articles/blogs such as yours at all in fact. For a decade atleast.
Simply, it means I don't have an influence, for one; but also, when I do use any of the crypto apps and (not use but) see social platforms all built from templates, it means that when I return to my own thoughts, I don't have to try to design something that isn't those things. It's natural just because I wouldn't want to and the same old thing wouldn't interest me enough to invest my attention and time. ....OR BOTHER YOU!

So if you made it this far, I apologize for rambling. But with all of the above said, I would like to discuss the specifics and answer any questions about what I have in mind in private. Who knows who else is looking for a good original idea these days and I am the one without the deep pockets or resources to just print it out on a whim!

So inorder to bring some value to the table for you in the discussion I wanted to mention a couple things you might be interested in that I , for one, cannot use - even if they don't require me to code. ... I can't even design a GUI! Now, graphic design/typography is different. Again, I am rambling.

For you:
- if you have never checked out ReTool I encourage you to as I have been following them for years waiting for them to become more publicly available and finally when they did, I can't even make sense of it. (Too many head injuries.)

Even if you have heard of this platform, make sure you haven't overlooked the forums. There is a guy on there doing some crazy things with AI integration (which by the way, their platform has native support for. vector, embedding, etc... I would also reopen my application for their funding for startups which would obviously open up the full potential of the platform and its features to us.

- Agent-Zero: again, looks amazing, is simple... another one I can't use. (This one because of my hardware. But it's still probably over my head.)

- Finally, the one I mentioned above (
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The reason I mention these was to see if you like any of them and/or find any of them useful enough to possibly be able to use for one the ideas. And I say that because that would make it much easier for me to also collaborate with the parts that I already know I can contribute and would plan on doing so regardless.

Outside of ReTool and Highlight, I have an active profile on AlphaGrowth profile with two projects each with a funding pitch and applications for grants in front of a good number of opportunities who look specifically for for the web3 startups. So hopefully, if I FINALLY had something built to show anyone, I could put stuff in motion. And you could be compensated should you choose to continue. Or a kickback later for being that missing piece.

And last thing, if you are not familiar with blockchain stuff, it's fine. I will be doing most of that stuff if needed. Though it will be primitive at best I do not write smart contracts by any means, however I can manage when I know what exactly I need to have it accomplish.