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Starting with "PostgreSQL"

Hey everyone! In out last blog post we covered a basic introduction of PostgreSQL. If you have not gone through it, you can read it here. Now, in this post we will be learning that how to use PostgreSQL.

Installing PostgreSQL:

Installing Postgres is the first step towards getting started with it. Depending on your operating system, the installation process may be different, but there are plenty of internet tools to help you get through it. The most recent version of Postgres is available for download from the official website. For step by step installation refer here.

Setting up Database:

After installing Postgres, you must create a database. A GUI tool like pgAdmin or the command-line interface can be used for this. Run the following command to create a database using the command-line interface:

createdb mydatabase

Replace "mydatabase" with the name of your database. If you're using pgAdmin, you can create a new database by right-clicking on the "Databases" node in the left-hand pane and selecting "New Database."

Connecting to Database:

You must connect to your database once it has been set up. The psql command-line tool or a GUI tool like pgAdmin can be used for this. Use the psql command-line tool to connect to your database by entering the following command:

psql -d mydatabase

Again replace "mydatabase" with the name of your database. If you're using pgAdmin, you can connect to your database by double-clicking on the database name in the left-hand pane.

Creating Table:

You can make a table to house your data once you're connected to your database. Columns and rows make up Postgres tables. Each row is a record, and each column represents a particular piece of data. Run the following command to create a table using the psql command-line tool:


This will create a table called "mytable" with three columns: "id," "name," and "age." If you're using pgAdmin, you can create a table by right-clicking on the "Tables" node in the left-hand pane and selecting "Create Table."

Insert Data:

Now that you have a table, you can insert data into it. To insert data using the psql command-line tool, run the following command:

INSERT INTO mytable (name, age) VALUES ('John Smith', 35);

This will insert a new record into the "mytable" table with the name "John Smith" and age "35." If you're using pgAdmin, you can insert data by right-clicking on the table name in the left-hand pane and selecting "View/Edit Data."

Querying Data:

Finally, you can query the data in your table using the SELECT statement. To query data using the psql command-line tool, run the following command:

SELECT * FROM mytable;

This will return all of the data in the "mytable" table. If you're using pgAdmin, you can query data by right-clicking on the table name in the left-hand pane and selecting "Query Tool."


In this blog post, we walked you through the process of getting started with Postgres. We covered installing Postgres, creating a database, connecting to the database, creating a table, inserting data, and querying data. With this knowledge, you should be able to start using Postgres in your own projects. Happy coding!

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