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Jason McCreary
Jason McCreary

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I'm a Git Master, Ask Me Anything

Hi, I'm Jason McCreary. I go by JMac.

I'm a full stack and iOS developer who likes building products and services. Recently this includes services like Laravel Shift and Getting Git.

I've been programming for 20 years. I'm very passionate about what I do and lately I've been on a mission to empower developers to master Git. So I'm glad to answer any and all of your Git questions (or anything else).

My AMA will start at 2PM ET today, September 13th, so please feel free to Ask Me Anything!

Latest comments (102)

itachiuchiha profile image
Itachi Uchiha

Hi. We never used Git in our company. I have good knowledge of Git. I'm using my all open source projects. What should I do to teach it, my teammates?

They don't accept work with Git o related technologies. I just work with Git. What should I do to convince them?

gonedark profile image
Jason McCreary

I suggest showing them how quickly Git and Git services can do things - creating and switching branches, sharing work, enhancing the code review process with Pull Requests, etc.

evanoman profile image
Evan Oman

What is your reccomended method for merging a feature branch into master?

gonedark profile image
Jason McCreary


If working on a team, I recommend doing so through a Pull Request. This provides a formal merge process which serves not only as record, but also an opportunity for code review and discussion.

If it's just you, I recommend merging from the command line: git merge the-feature-branch

kamik423 profile image

I regularly use the basics: pull, add, commit, push, and merge. What should I learn next?

gonedark profile image
Jason McCreary

Sounds like you have the basics. Where are you experiencing a bottleneck?

kamik423 profile image

No bottleneck, but I know that there is a lot more to git. What should I learn next?

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
gonedark profile image
Jason McCreary

I'm command line all the way, so I couldn't say. In general, if you've found a tool that works for you - use it.

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
gonedark profile image
Jason McCreary

Have the club split the cost of the Getting Git video series and watch them together in your next meeting.

hemanth profile image

What do you think of these git-tips?

gonedark profile image
Jason McCreary

Pretty awesome. Thanks for sharing.

peterplu profile image

If I do a "git clone," I get the master version clone of the entire supermodule/submodule repository. If I subsequently do "git submodule update --init," my submodules are set to dangling HEADs (no branch), corresponding to the versions when the supermodule was (last?) set up.

I'd like to change the "update --init" to point to the (new) master versions of the submodules. Not sure what's the right commands/sequences to do this.

Please help.

rainbowtux profile image
Erwin Van de Velde

What is the best way to clean up old commits? E.g. I only want to keep history of the last 2 years and remove all older commits, in fact treating the 2 year old version as the initial commit?

Related: how to remove commits of a bigger file that was pushed in by a developer and that needs to be moved out (e.g. to git LFS or just a file repository server).

elonmusk profile image

How can I assign a GitHub user to a specific .git repo, and not global? I need to have different users for different repos in the same laptop

gonedark profile image
Jason McCreary • Edited

If I understand correctly, you use different GitHub users for different repos on the same machine.

The way Git configuration works is it will look for local config, then roll up to global config. So, you can set the author info for each local repo by running:

git config "JMac"
git config ""

(note the missing --global)

elonmusk profile image

I have my Develop branch then I created a feature/nav-bar branch, my code needs to be rebased because there are new changes in Develop branch, how do I do that... so let's say I am in my feature/nav-bar branch in that "folder" should I run "git rebase develop" ?

gonedark profile image
Jason McCreary

Yes. From the feature branch, you would run git rebase develop to fast forward your branch with the latest change and replay your work. Check out my previous post for a closer look at git rebase.

You don't have to be in any folder, just the repo.

bakgaard profile image
Rasmus Bækgaard

Scenario: you work with 4 other developers on a project, where you use the Git Flow methods (though no pull-requests).
When will you use `git rebaseand when will you usegit merge --no-ff`?

stecman profile image
Stephen Holdaway • Edited

I'd add to Jason's answer that git rebase is far more than an alternative workflow to merge. I use it heavily during local development for example, before and during merge/pull requests:

  • Updating your in-progress branch to include changes someone else has merged that you need (this is the classic example)

  • Moving your work to be based on a different branch (eg. you originally branched from master as a hotfix, but part-way through you've found it makes more sense to fix with the changes already on develop to avoid additional changes when merging).

  • Separating commits from a branch into multiple branches that make more sense for review. I often do this if I find a bug while writing a tests for existing code - commit a fix on the tests branch, then move the fix commit(s) to a separate branch once everything is done to submit them separately to the test changes. You can also do this with other people's commits and the authorship is not modified.

  • Changing the order of commits, dropping, squashing and combining commits (ie. fixup)

  • Amending a commit on my local branch that's not the last commit (rewording, adding/removing changes, etc).

gonedark profile image
Jason McCreary

git rebase is likely reserved for feature branches to prepare them for merge. Under Git Flow, you'd likely never want to run git rebase on the long lived branches.

The git merge --no-ff ensures the merge does not fast forward your commits onto the target branch. Essentially, this guarantees a merge commit.

benaryorg profile image
#benaryorg • Edited

I sometimes have trouble simply when checking out/resetting to a particular commit.
The perfect example is the git version of the Gentoo portage tree.
If I reset to some very early point in time and then go back to my origin/master, it often complains about newly added or modified files, without me actually touching anything.

Why is that?

gonedark profile image
Jason McCreary

reset doesn't sound like the right command for what you describe. By default, reset will uncommit the changes and put them in your index. So when you go to switch branches, it's likely complaining since Git sees changes in the index.

To go back to a previous point in time, checkout is the more appropriate command.

benaryorg profile image

If I was to create a new branch and wanted it to be at exactly that commit, would I then use checkout for a detached head and then a checkout -b foobar?
Is there any better way to achieve this?

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gonedark profile image
Jason McCreary

You could do that.

Many forget checkout takes second argument as a reference to checkout from. So if your goal was simply to checkout a branch from an older point in time (commit abc123), you could run: git checkout -b foobar abc123

aswathm78 profile image
Aswath KNM

Why git is one of the technologies to learn ?

gonedark profile image
Jason McCreary

It's the modern, popular tool for version control. So assuming your using version control (you should be), you should try it out.

maxart2501 profile image
Massimo Artizzu

Personally I think Git offers an abysmal interface, conceived by elite engineers that wanted to do versioning their own way, but without any idea of usability. This isn't suprising from the minds that conceived Linux (including Torvalds) and its ecosystem. Just reading the documentation is a free pass to a massive headache for any novice, and this implies its discoverability is also more or less non-existent.

While some concepts and worflow methods have been a long awaited evolution of the ones found in SVN, others have a very weak connection with the main objective of the tool: versioning stuff.

I feel one of the biggest issues with Git is its monolithic nature: you can do a lot of things with Git, but some - from a more modern point of view - are better suited for external plugins. For example, git rerere is something a nice middleware could do instead.

What can you say to convince me I'm wrong?

Keep in mind that I did read your article about not using GUIs - but it's far from enough, as its main point ("Don't use wizard code you don't understand") does not imply, in my opinion, that you need to understand the underlying Git commands, but just what a GUI command means to your Git workflow. In short, you should know what's a commit, a branch, a merge and so on, but you might not care how to do it with the CLI. (I have a draft of an article about it.)

gonedark profile image
Jason McCreary

What can you say to convince me I'm wrong?

Nothing. Aside from your viewpoint on the creators of Git, it sounds like we're on the same page.

adamk1230 profile image
Adam Kwan

As a new developer what parts of Git would you recommend mastering first to be productive in a workplace environment and how you go about mastering it?

gonedark profile image
Jason McCreary
  1. Learn Git from the command line.
  2. Be able to create a repo, make commits, view history.
  3. Understand the index. What each state means and how to move files between them.

If you can do all that, you'll be well ahead of most other developers. For reasons, see my previous reply.

jonlai profile image
Jonathan Lai

Are there any git shortcuts or git bash scripts you'd like to see added (or you could contribute to)

Super useful project and I love using the extra tools there like git delete-branch (Local and remote on github Bitbucket etc) and even mundane stuff like git count.

gonedark profile image
Jason McCreary

git-extras is pretty cool.

I don't have many aliases. Only Git command completion. I like typing the full command so I'm explicit about what I'm doing. Too often with Git you can run some shorthand and forget the underlying commands.

Here are all my aliases:

unstage: reset HEAD --
logo: log --oneline
append: commit --amend --no-edit
lola: log --graph --oneline --decorate --all
jonlai profile image
Jonathan Lai

@gonedark / Jason McCreary do you have a response for my previous question about redo'ing the timestamps of old git commits?

What shortcuts do you have similar to

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gonedark profile image
Jason McCreary

What is the use case for needing to change the date?

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jonlai profile image
Jonathan Lai

Various reasons. Git rebasing and merging skew with the dates, and one wants to make the timestamp of the recent commits to "look" more reasonable.

Anyhow, what I'm really looking for is a shortcut for modify git timestamps without doing the manual work of setting GIT_AUTHOR_DATE and GIT_COMMITER_DATE with .

Any insights @gonedark ?

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phaberest profile image
Luca Stefano Sartori • Edited

@jonlai have you ever found a trick to get that alias to work?

My solution under zsh is

function gtime() {
    GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$1" git commit --amend --no-edit --date "$1"

used as



gtime 2020-04-22T23:10:20
jonlai profile image
Jonathan Lai

Speaking of aliases and shortcuts aliases or git extras bash scripts aside.

Do you have a nice good clean shortcut to do git timestamp changes similar to git-redate (

I find manually doing the redundant GIT_AUTHOR_DATE and GIT_COMMITTER_DATE changes for just one commit edit tedious (see

jonlai profile image
Jonathan Lai

Git extras bash scripts seem to extend beyond aliases -- thanks for sharing your aliases by the way.

I'd like to start developing git bash scripts like git extras, but not on that level there yet.